I have often wondered what's in it for the women??? I just read the story of minimus and it is so clear that such power and privilege on offer to males in the borg would be enticing and probably addictive... but the women will never have such offers or opportunities. They will always be required to be in subjection. They will always have to wear hats or hankies on their heads if there is so much as a male child present whilst saying a prayer... do they actually think that this is going to continue forever into their new world??? And are they truly okay with this???
what's in it for the women???
by chelsea 45 Replies latest jw friends
I think some women like not having to make decisions and having to fall back on someone else. It is almost like they are afraid of possibly making mistakes. If they never have to make any decisions then if or when things turn out bad, it is never their fault. No ownership.
I believe that issue is one of those nagging doubts in the back of all of the sisters heads that they don't allow themselves to give into.
I used to be one. Loooots of nagging doubts finally coalesced for me...
I think that the "brothers" must certainly have nagging doubts about the headship thing too... but don't voice them so much as it is an enjoyable position for themselves...?
-K -
OF COURSE, the Bethel stud. How could one forget that twinkling possibility?
What else could a woman hope to achieve...?
Well, I guess there ARE many golden opportunities:
-Wife of an elder
-Wife of a Bethelite
-Mother to children (only if married and definitely married only to an active JW, preferably an elder or Bethelite. And of course the children all have to be active JWs, "reaching out" for more)
mmmm. I think that's about it.