Help!! I am extremely confused.

by Leander 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • NameWithheld
    This is not to say that I doubt any of the replies that were made here but why do the majority of the people who are associated with JW's have such a hard time shaking the feeling that they are doing something wrong by leaving the organization?

    Because when you've been brainwashed you are indoctrinated to feel that fear whenever you step outside the boundries the brainwasher sets for you. It's classic cult-manipulation ... why do you think SO many stay involved when they can see thru the total BS that occurs in the JW org? It's out of fear. It's the age old "But what if they're right?" question that keeps so many in. It is VERY hard to break free, and no matter what it takes time, but ask yourself, why would god give you free will to think for yourself, then demand you belong to an org that demanded you DO NOT THINK AT ALL? That makes no sense. It is up to each human to forge their own path through life, not to be led about by the nose by a group of men who are OBVIOUSLY concerned for no one but themselves.

    Why would god make belonging to the JW org a requirement for life and then allow the 'one true org' to be SO corrupt, so un-loving, so wishy-washy? And think about this, JWs is YOUR life, it's huge to you, but trust me, 99% of the world has NO idea what JWs are about, don't care, and never will know. You think that god would be doing such a bad job of getting the word out to people that they 'must join or die' if he was using JWs?

  • You Know
    You Know
    I find it very disturbing that there has been so many predictions the WTS has made in the past that failed to come true.

    Your reasoning is faulty. If you claim to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses you had better have your faith in God's word. If the Watchtower has taught you anything it is that Jehovah's word is the ONLY source of reliable information regarding history as well as the future. The Watchtower has never claimed to be the source of prophecy. Obviously they are not inspired or unerring. They have only endeavored to understand and explain it in order that your faith might be in Jehovah rather than in men. They have a clear understanding and deep insight into certain things, but unfortunately they are muddled on others. What they are up against is the fact that Bible prophecy is not an open book. And prophecy has been where we have stumbled. But we can be confident that the major framework for understanding prophecy is in place so that it will require only relatively minor adjustments to bring our understanding into proper focus with realities that will soon become obvious. The amazing thing is that prophcies are encrypted in such a way that they cannot be understood by mere human intellect. The truth is, that only Jehovah, through Christ, can unseal prophecies at the time of their chosing, at least as far as such things becoming official teaching. Until God's spirit reveals how certain prophecies are to be understood we are greatly disadvantaged and cannot possible impart a clear and credible explanation. However, not being able to clearly understand prophecies in all their detail doesn't mean that he are not on the right track as far as serving God's purpose. In fact, it is God's stated purpose to conceal vital matters from his people for the time being until the actual time of Christ's arrival during the world's darkest hour. The upside of our being left in the dark on certain vital points, is that when apostate infiltrators are purged from our midst by Christ, that they will go out empty-handed, or empty-headed is the more appropriate term.

    Look at the way things went with Christ's apostles. They were Jesus' most intimate followers. If anyone had an inside line on how to understand prophecies it was them. Yet, look at what happened. Jesus told them time and time again that he was destined to be arrested and killed, but they just couldn't get it. Peter even told Christ that he was wrong! Can you imagine being so deluded that you would presume to correct God's Son? But that's the hand they were dealt. Why? Luke, the 9th chapter I believe, says that the matter was 'concealed from them that they might not see through it.' In other words it was not Jehovah's will that it be revealed to them at that time. Latter of course the resurrected Christ explained it to them and more fully open up the Scriptures to them. And interestingly, Christ did not enlighten them until AFTER the original apostate, Judas, had been dismissed from the group. So, you can make of that what you want. But the point is, that for a time the apostles of Christ, and others with them, were running around telling people that Jesus was going to immediately set up his kingdom in Jerusalem. They simply had no clue that it was going to be a heavenly kingdom. They were wrong. And of course they were all scattered and humiliated when things blew up in their face. The fact that the disciples afterwards began preaching a message about a Christ who had been resurrected to the invisible realm where he sat next to Jehovah God was an enormous stumbling block to the majority of the Jews. But, for the apostles who went through the humiliation, they were easily able to make the leap, primarily because they had faith.

    But that's the method Jehovah uses to humble and refine his people. We are facing a similar shock, which I am afraid is going to winnow quite a few out of our midst. The Watchtower is just an instrument. The faithful slave is just that---A SLAVE. They are just tiny human instruments that God has used to try to build our faith. However, if your faith is in the faithful slave and Watchtower only, they have failed in your case. Unless your faith is in Jehovah you aren't going to make it. The tests that lie ahead will be so severe, so absolutely unexpected, they will shake our faith to the core so that only those who have the genuine faith of Christ will survive. And isn't that how it should be? / You Know

  • SixofNine

    Leander, I've been out for just about a year now. Not da'd or df'd. I notice, and others on this forum have noticed, that I have had what seems to be an extremely easy, quick, and relatively painless transition.

    Part of the reason it looks that way is the unseen contrast between how damn happy (and worry free) I am now, vs. the pain and depression and cognitave dissonance I went thru while still in the org.

    e-mail me, and I'll be happy to walk you through any of this.

    You are on the right track, and it just gets sooo much better!

  • Leander

    You Know - you wrote the following:

    The amazing thing is that prophcies are encrypted in such a way that they cannot be understood by mere human intellect. The truth is, that only Jehovah, through Christ, can unseal prophecies at the time of their chosing, at least as far as such things becoming official teaching. Until God's spirit reveals how certain prophecies are to be understood we are greatly disadvantaged and cannot possible impart a clear and credible explanation. However, not being able to clearly understand prophecies in all their detail doesn't mean that he are not on the right track as far as serving God's purpose. In fact, it is God's stated purpose to conceal vital matters from his people for the time being until the actual time of Christ's arrival during the world's darkest hour. The upside of our being left in the dark on certain vital points, is that when apostate infiltrators are purged from our midst by Christ, that they will go out empty-handed, or empty-headed is the more appropriate term.

    Now this what I have a hard time of understanding. Through various publications the society time and time again have referred to themselves as God's prophetic organization or mouthpiece, but time and time again this spirit-directed organization has made numerous predictions (or if you don't like the word prediction, strong emphasis) on different dates. If I'm not mistaken every last one of those dates failed to fall im harmony with what the Society said would happen. This would cause even the most sincere and humble person to begin having serious doubts. Why would God willfully want honest hearted individuals who seek to do the right become confused?

    Also I still don't understand why there are so many contradictions and changes of doctrines if the Society is being used to reveal the deep things of the bible. Its honestly very confusing for a person who is trying to learn what is really true and what is not.

  • willy_think
    This is not to say that I doubt any of the replies that were made here but why do the majority of the people who are associated with JW's have such a hard time shaking the feeling that they are doing something wrong by leaving the organization?

    NameWithheld, had it dead on. you might look up "mind comtrol" or "conditioning techniques" or "group hyponosis techniques" (most commonly used to help people stop smoking. the WT uses them in the halls at the begining of talks when the R&F are asked to relax and imagine this or that) or "cult programming" or you can look into "deprogramming".
    just look and you will see.

  • Leander

    In continuance with my last post:

    It clearly says in the bible that it only belongs to God to know the day and hour, so why have there been so many guesses or hints at certain dates in past teachings and articles? Its like that scripture was being totally ignored when the Society was publishing information in regards to previous dates that were to be of importance.

    That kind of brings me to another question has any other religion made as many predictions as the WTS? Or has any other religion made predictions at all?

  • Leander

    In continuance with my last post:

    It clearly says in the bible that it only belongs to God to know the day and hour, so why have there been so many guesses or hints at certain dates in past teachings and articles? Its like that scripture was being totally ignored when the Society was publishing information in regards to previous dates that were to be of importance.

    That kind of brings me to another question has any other religion made as many predictions as the WTS? Or has any other religion made predictions at all?

  • Englishman
    The Watchtower is just an instrument. The faithful slave is just that---A SLAVE. They are just tiny human instruments that God has used to try to build our faith.

    Lets clarify this. The FDS is the "annointed remnant" of the 144,000 left on Earth, right? So, the mouthpiece, the society, is in constant contact with all of these folk? And they all give their input and thoughts to the society and these are acted upon?

    You're having a laugh, right?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • JBean

    You Know,

    You bring up a lot of points... but one thing I don't understand: You say that we need to have our faith in Jehovah only to eventually "survive". I agree. You mention that if we put our faith in the WBTS or GB or Watchtower, etc., we of course will be "let down". I agree. So here's my question: Why then to the brothers, congregation, Society, et al totally freak out and disfellowship you if you question them and have the 'nerve' to say that you don't really think that the governing body is correct? or God's mouthpiece? or that they have God's absolute direction, etc? Please don't say that they won't ... I have a few friends and there are PLENTY of experiences on this board and others that say even if they went to the elders for help... the only question the elder's were really concerned about was whether or not the person in question still believed in the society/governing body.

  • line6guy

    Hi, Leander,

    I'm rather new to this board, but it sounds like you are going through the same things I did not too long ago. I'll tell you, I was raised JW. My great-grandparents started at the turn of the 20th century. I was an MS at 24 and an elder at 29--then quit completely at 37. I was in several congregations in more than one state. There is no doubt, the average person in the cong is sincere.

    I think my turning point, where I really started to question was at the "Generation" change.

    I took about a year to "let my head clear." I stepped foot into a Southern Baptist church at the end of that year. Oh, my, that was scarey. I've been attending there about a year. Oh, there are things I don't agree with there, that's for sure. But, you know what? I find that what they society says about "false religion" is really false in itself. People aren't their just to have their "ears tickled." They are sincere, love Christ, and worship with all their hearts. They use their Bibles! (Believe that one or not! :-) )

    My advice. Look at the Bible with a child's eyes. Throw away preconcieved notions. Read it afresh. You may be surprised at how the "truths" aren't quite as true as they once seemed.

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