by hawkaw 589 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Trilobite


    Great and thx!

    All I have is this

    Go to the next to last paragraph and plz note the last sentence. I'll reproduce it here:


    "What are the responsibilities of NGOs associated with DPI?"

    Since the founding days of the United Nations in San Francisco, NGOs have made valuable contributions to the international community by drawing attention to issues, suggesting ideas and programmes, disseminating information and mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN and its Specialized Agencies. Association with DPI constitutes a commitment to that effect. Associated NGOs are expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promoting knowledge of the United Nations' principles and activities. In addition, they are expected to keep the DPI/NGO Section abreast of their activities by regularly providing samples of their information materials relating to the work of the UN. These are also made available for perusal at the DPI/NGO Resource Centre.

  • hawkaw



    I got Kent to post your and my comments on how hte criteria is found in the 1968 ECOSOC resolutions on his observer web site.

    They are added to the press release subject he has on the front page of his web site.

    Thanks to Kent and you for your help in getting this out.


  • Trilobite


    Thanks for the info. I think the case is watertight, although, sadly, most JWs will discount whatever facts are available.

    What might be nice would be a site devoted to this single topic as was apparently done at


  • Trilobite


    Here are the coordinates of the Mayor of Stratton, Ohio (source of the Supreme Court case and the Dubs) who is also an officer with the Ohio Democrats (I believe). He might appreciate receiving a copy of yr press release and links to the Guardian articles.

    John Abdalla
    105 1st Steet
    PO Box 33
    Stratton, OH 43961
    Phone: 740/537-3091


  • biblexaminer

    Let's not let this die. If we all get behind this and get it out, it could be the straw that broke the camel's back.

  • Trilobite


    I agree. I just sent an email to the UN DPI asking them to confirm the substance of The Guardian articles, and also one to the un-foundation newsservice: pointing out those articles and asking for comment.

    Bearing in mind the widow who keeps knocking, if these folks get enough emails they may decide to issue a press release. They really should issue some formal statement given the publicity that has already happened. They may have a behind the scenes deal with the WTS but given how the WTS treated them, why should they care if it means them getting back to day to day business and the nice office parties they seem to have.

    The Mayor of Stratton and the Supreme Court Case are receiving unsually high press coverage, so that might be another angle.


  • hawkaw


  • Maximus

    Hey, Big Raptor! Trilobite, are you seeing through different eyes these days? I'll be connecting with you both.

    I just had a JW heavyweight tell me his thoughts on the matter: child abuse issues can be swept under the rug by Josephine publisher because to her "it just ain't true; can't be true. Case closed."

    But this UN thing is going to bite them not only in the posterior, it likely will go for the jugular. Some rank and file tell me they are really upset. Touched a nerve. Too many garish pictures of the Beast and the Whore to forget.

    Good work, Hawk. Have more than a few loose ends to pick up with you.

    My take on this: the rules never apply to those at the top.

    Nathan Knorr and Max Larson (then factory overseer now Watchtower Society of NY president) used to come into the lobby of 124 Columbia Heights with top hats--and female dates--having enjoyed some of the interesting things Manhattan has to offer. (I've seen it. Arthur Worsley was the authority on it.) The very next day NHK could be inveighing about the dangers of worldly parties creeping in to the organization.

    When Lloyd Barry and Ciro Aulicino applied for what was a UN library card, they did not have a passionate revulsion for the "disgusting thing." Mere words, a concept, a notion. The rules do not apply at the top. Senior males could go into Greenwich Village and gawk at the female impersonators--just checking out material for the magazines <cough>. No revulsion or reflecting on the scriptures they use for such.

    What were the Boys in Writing thinking?


  • Trilobite


    Crystalline eyes at that! I agree - this will be a large part of their UNdoing. Have ideas. Need to tawk, maybe this weekend? Email.

    T, possibly extant but certainly extinct

    ps: must've been a good shindig...

  • hawkaw


    What a pleasant surprise. My friend the "redactor Man". How are you and how did the "great white north" treat you?

    I am up late tonight because bx and I are working on a press thingy that we want out in a Canadian Newspaper soon. Bx is such a class act just like you.

    We must catch up. Give me a time and I will Email you. You have missied a lot. A very nice woman in a central time zone has been way too good to me since you left.

    Thanks for your post and you take care. And oh say hi to EH for me.


    hey Max - Tribolite ROCKS!!!

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