I talked to the WT Convention PR guy today

by moshe 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I saw the google link for the assembly in Charleston,WV this weekend. The newspaper printed a press release about the assembly and there was an invite to the general public to attend the convention. At the end of the story was a telephone number to call- so I did! I spoke to Mr Houston for about one hour. I started easy on him and just asked about the assembly, then I asked him how long he had been a Witness- about 20 years he said, and he was the only one who became a witness in his family- a black sheep he admitted to me.( the only true statement he made!) I used the end of false religion tract from last year to gain his confidence. He explained why they were the true religion- They preach the "Good News". He had a lot of difficulty explaining just what that was and finally he mentioned 1914, after some leading questions from me.

    I jumped on that and he admitted that Jesus picked JW's as the only true religion after coming to power in heaven in 1914. What about the 'Millions now living will never die', book I asked?" Didn't JW's preach that the end was coming in 1925? Now he started to show his ignorance about WT history when he told me he was not familiar with that book. Didn't God get mad at JW's for printing a book that had a false prediction?", I asked him. "Well, we change when we see something that needs changing."- that was his excuse.

    I hammered him on blood transfusions and he again showed his ignorance by trying to tell me that JW's abstain from blood. I had him on the ropes, now. "Ok, if God told me to abstain from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, could I eat the peanut butter, then the the jelly and finally throw away the bread and still claim to abstain? Isn't that what you are doing with the blood fractions? He was unable to refute that illustration- He then tried to say that a blood transfusion was like nourishment for the body( JW's don't eat blood) and I gave him a body slam on that stupid comeback. "So, do you believe that a glucose IV would be food for a starving man?- "Yes", he said- and "what about a blood transfusion, could it save the life of a starving man?", I asked. Now, I had him pinned to the mat. " well, maybe"- "NO, it could not!" I pressed it home and he finally crumbled and admitted that blood was food if eaten, but a blood transfusion was not food, it would not keep a starving man alive.

    I totally ruined his day and I hope he takes the time to think about the WT organization. "What did you do just call me up to argue with me?", he complained. "No, I just wanted to find out about the assembly and you have convinced me that JW's do not have the truth and you have shown me that you don't even know about the history of the religion you claim to be the Truth" " Why would I want to join a religion that would deny me a life saving medical procedure (we talked about organ transplant rule changes earlier) one year and then God changes the rules a year later?" He finally hung up on me with that comment.

    If he thinks I was bad, just wait until Johnny Cip calls him.

  • blondie

    I didn't know about 1925 until the 1993 Proclaimers book came out. It was mentioned in the 1975 yearbook but who reads the yearbook. The Proclaimers book was drawn from for the #1 Instruction talk for some months. You were forced to listen.

  • neverendingjourney
  • Spectre

    Oh....your bad.

    That was funny.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Moshe - that was just plain mean! I like the way you think, man. You shattered his primrose path - then forced him to act mean and nasty to boot. You brought the big guns out and leveled his house of cards.

    Good. Course it won't change him today - but he will likely not forget it, and he will 'talk it up' to other Jw's you can bet. Someone might come out of the cult someday due to that conversation.


  • bebu
    If he thinks I was bad, just wait until Johhny Cip calls him.



  • R.F.

    Yes hopefully that convo will get him thinking.

  • willyloman

    The first rule of PR is that the PR spokesperson is supposed to know more about the subject than anyone else (even if he doesn't divulge all of it).

    One of the many, many things that seemed out of whack with the witness organization was that the designated person-in-charge-of-whatever always seemed to be the person with the least amount of knowledge - with the exception of the building committee. The PR guy (or "news service overseer") was the guy with the least amount of experience dealing with the press and had little knowledge of the position he was supposed to be representing. The "presiding overseer" was often the guy with zero ability to preside or lead. The "secretary" was nearly always the guy who could not spell or write a comprehensible letter or organize files. The "spiritual shepherds" were many times the guys least able to teach, shepherd or offer sage advice on life's daily problems to the flock. And so on.

    So, the conversation you had does not surprise me a bit.

  • Frank75
    I talked to the WT Convention PR guy today

    A true die hard blow hard dub who sucked a lot of shlong to get where he is in the prestigious Pre-Convention gig!

    Good for you for laying him out. Surprised he didn't dump the call long before he did. Probably saw his personal experience getting one more seat filled being highlighted on Sunday afternoon. Oh Joy!.....then dashed to pieces!

    He probably thought after, "that's my job when extinguishing the last ray of hope for the accused in a JC!"


  • unique1

    Classic!!!! I am so jealous!

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