I talked to the WT Convention PR guy today

by moshe 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe
    you must have used the old THEOCRAPTIC SOFT SHOE

    Johnny, that was a gem! The calls I make either last 5 minutes or they last 30-60 minutes. I truly believe some JW's have doubts and that is why they keep talking. When they go out in service their partner is available to pull them out of the fire, so they really are at a disadvatage on the telephone. And I think some of them think they are getting some easy time in by talking.

    It's really easy to call a JW, you can do it.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    moshe : were did you find this DOPE. a friend of mine a baptist just ran him through the ringer. i can't berleive this guy is incharge of the convention. everyone here should call here's the phone # in the news paper 304 462 4381 jim houston

  • Hecklerboy

    Hey, I bet that's the convention I would be going to if I was still in that psyco religion.

    Glad I'll be mountain biking with good friends instead.



  • moshe

    Hecklerboy, you have the right idea- freedom, sweet freedom from the WT noose.

    John, I can't believe this guy is in charge of anything at the Convention either. How lame can a JW be when they can't even explain exactly what the Good News of The Kingdom is. They have buried the "1914-1919, Jesus chose us as the true religion" dogma and as a result their key reason for being a JW in the first place has evaporated. Would someone please call him tonight and ask him for help understanding something- then drop a bomb on him. He is ready to crumble. None of his family are JW's.

  • purplesofa


    Thanks for sharing


  • truthsetsonefree
    with the exception of the building committee

    Except in NYC Moshe. Here the building committee knows nothing about buildings!



    Moshe..I`m hot,tired and bleeding..My ranch gate ripped off it`s hinges and out of a post..What a job putting that sucker back up..I wasn`t laughing untill I read this thread..You are a very very bad man!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • mtsgrad

    I think we should run a competition "Who can keep a JW rep on the phone the longest"!

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