I just received the following pm (which has nothing personal) by the poster with the above name (and 0 post) and I figure I must not be the only one:
Here are two items. The first is a tiny leaflet that may be put anywhere at or near where Jehovah's Witnesses meet including for example handed out to them along sidewalks near convention sites. The second is a flyer for emailing to members of the public or professions including doctors and nurses. Using these items instead of just ignoring them can save lives. Please help out. Also if you want to become regularly active with these or similar items, email that interest to ihavesincerequestions@yahoo. Put the word "Blood" in the subject field.
DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Please read 1 Samuel 14:32 and Matthew 12:7 for commenting on later. HERMANOS Y HERMANAS: Favor de leer 1 Samuel 14:32 y Mateo 12:7. Pueden comentar sobre esos mas adelante.
HERMANOS Y HERMANAS: Favor de leer 1 Samuel 14:32 y Mateo 12:7. Pueden comentar sobre esos mas adelante. DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Please read 1 Samuel 14:32 and Matthew 12:7 for commenting on later.
HERMANOS Y HERMANAS: Favor de leer 1 Samuel 14:32 y Mateo 12:7. Pueden comentar sobre esos mas adelante. DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Please read 1 Samuel 14:32 and Matthew 12:7 for commenting on later.
EMERGENCY ALERT! Please help Lawrence Hughes who keeps battling the Watchtower Society over Jehovah’s Witnesses because of its compelling JWs including their infants even in life-or-death situations to not use whole blood transfusions, a policy many JWs do not agree with but can’t dissent about openly out of fear of being disfellowshipping in which they are shunned with loss of normal ties with JW family, friends and business associates.
Please mail donations made out to Lawrence Hughes to P.O Box 20161; Calgary Place, RPO; Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 4J3. Every penny counts as he must pay for filing papers in lawsuits, posters for demonstrations he leads to save lives, knowing the agony of losing a loved one, in his own case his daughter Bethany. He’s doing this for kids worldwide in the U.S., Canada and worldwide, has sometimes been on TV including CNN as seen on google.com etc.
ANOTHER WAY YOU CAN HELP SAVE LIVES: As seen on ajwrb.org and in Blood On The Altar by David A. Reed (Baptist preacher formerly JW: http://www.cftf.com/), estimates are that every day an average 3 or so JWs bleed to death after rejecting transfusions. Most are elderly and die quietly; others children, even babies. JWs refuse transfusions including for the kids because mistaught by Ted Jaracz, Gene Smalley and others living at the Watchtower Society headquarters that the Bible says they must always “abstain” from blood.
So, look in a phone directory’s yellow pages under “Churches” and when there look under “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” JWs often meet Thursdays about 7 PM, Sundays mornings and sometimes Wednesdays about 7. Telephone. Whoever answers may try to defensively say things like few people ever die (as said, they do but JWs aren’t fully informed how many), there are non-blood alternatives (ineffective when blood is gushing out). Instead just politely say something like the following:
“Hi. I’m Tom White/Mary White calling to give you a very brief message to pass on to the elders or other there. I’d like you guys to read 1 Samuel 14:32 and Matthew 12:7. I’ll repeat so you can copy them down: 1 Samuel 14:32 and Matthew 12:7. You need to do so because I’m using them in urging the general public to cut out all donations to the Watchtower Society over you because your heads don’t emphasize those scriptures enough. Just write them down and read them so you’ll understand why. I’m not wanting to debate but simply wish you a good day. Again, please read 1 Samuel 14:32.”
Well wishes are nice but to keep Lawrence Hughes mission of saving lives going please donate. Even a few dollars or dollars help. Mail checks made to Lawrence Hughes to Lawrence Hughes; P.O Box 20161; Calgary Place, RPO; Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 4J3. Checks/Cheques can be from any nation. Also mail copies of this to doctors, nurses, attorneys, legislators, the public in general.
I personally dislike the method.