Were You Taught Evolution in School? Comparative Religion?

by bavman 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bavman

    Where you went to school, that is secondary and high school. Was evolution taught? Is it taught in European school? It wasn't where I went to school. Oh sure, the obligatory mention was made but it was very general, nothing specific. I even had a biology teacher who made it known he believed in Creationism and seemed upset he couldn't talk about it in class. Same thing with religion...only general beliefs were talked about and certainly nothing was really compared.

    I believe all these things should be presented early on so that kids can make a real choice and really get to understand other people. Is it this way anywhere?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I went to a Catholic school and from what I remember, we were taught evolution in the biology class.

    In the RE class we were taught only general - that God was the Creator - but not that the 7 days were literal, so we were generally left to draw our own conclusions.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    In the 5th grade church school that I attended (Unitarian Universalist) we studied the book "Inherit the Wind"


    I don't think most public schools would have touched that with a ten foot pole.

    Those UU's ...you gotta love em

  • Narkissos

    In France evolution is taught in science (and, imo, from a scientific perspective there is nothing to "compare"). Creationists are very rare here even among believers (and they are mostly under American influence).

    (On a humorous note, the other day I found one school manual I had used in the early 60s when I was in a Catholic boarding school. The page on prehistory started with the heading: "After our first parents were sent away from Paradise, they went through difficult times." )

    Otoh, "comparative religion" is sorely missing imo (in spite of very limited and superficial descriptions in history or geography). This is the result of the initially difficult, but then strict, separation of church and state over one century ago.

  • aniron

    I left school in 1967.

    In science evolution was never taught as a subject. Just the usual "this animal evolved into this" etc.

    Religious Education class had been dropped by the time I left.

    Yet strangely one teacher held meetings of the Scripture Union after school in his classroom. Which were well attended.

  • stillajwexelder

    I was taught evolution and comparitive religion at school - yes

  • AlanF

    I finished high school in the U.S. in the late 1960s, and was never taught anything about either subject. The only thing I knew about evolution or comparative religion was what I read in WTS publications. Which is to say that I learned caricatures of the subjects.


  • barry

    Hear in Australia evolution was taught in science classes , Also wednesday mornings Priests Ministers would come from the various denominations to teach religious classes. I went to a public school.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Yes, a few classrooms even had the monkey to man poster. I remember one test in 10th grade biology on evolution I answered wrong intentionally, but it would've been right if Jehovah was grading it! I was quite a righteous tool. Comparative religion, no.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I was taught strictly evolution throughout school. Believed in it completely. I was never taught anything about religion or creationism in public school.

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