The Hyena - Testament to a Grand Creator! No, wait....

by PopeOfEruke 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PopeOfEruke

    What a masterful example of Jehovahs's loving kindness and wisdom is the Hyena.

    Most carefully Jehovah designed the birth canal of the female hyena to abruptly do a 140 degree turn just before the normal place of exit for the birth canal and change direction back to the head of the mother. The birth canal then ends in what is generally referred to as a female pseudo-penis, a narrow tube exiting the body exactly where the male penis does.

    When the young hyena mother first gives birth, most times the young get stuck around the bend or lower down in the tight "penis", where they suffocate and die. (Normally twins are born).

    Oh what divine wisdom!

    If the mother survives the ordeal herself, the dead young are then eventually expelled. As they are expelled they tear open the female "penis" and make the way easier for subsequent births. Of course as I said if the mother survives.

    We thank you Jehovah for showing your loving kindness and respect for life in desiging such a miraculous system which ensures the first litter dies while ripping open the penis to allow other cubs to live.

    What a grand "type" of Jesus' sacrifice who had to die so that our penis could be ripped open and we are given the chance to live.

    Doesn't this just prove there must be a creator?

    Read more about the hyena here ---> Click me.


  • betterdaze

    Ahh, yes, Jehovah's loving arrangement (tm) as exemplified in his grand creation!

    “They appear to accept their rank. Things only change when a dominant animal dies, and there’s such a strong hierarchy the next ranking one just moves up. It’s interesting, because it appears that it’s really important to be high-ranking for reproduction, and yet the lower-ranking animals don’t challenge the higher-ranking ones.”


  • neverendingjourney

    *moved to a new thread*

  • stillajwexelder

    Could do with Hooberus reading this

  • PopeOfEruke

    The other odd thing is that the Hyena female (1) gives birth to her young, (2) urinates and (3) copulates through her pseudo-penis which is in fact a highly-modified clitoris.

    That is one strange animal!

    The article also quotes they are highly intelligent, probably as intelligent as apes. Amazing animals which we share our planet with.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Haha, very interesting.

    Ah, the great watchmaker!

    What I can't understand is why everyone doesn't understand the significance of things like this. Most religious people will ignore such evidence and continue to stick their heads in the sand when it comes to the indisputable proof that evolution has taken place and is indeed taking place as we speak.

    Thanks for bringing out this example

  • Satanus

    Such a reflection of the manly god, jehoover. The females run the hyena society, from the alpha female, on down the line. The highest ranking male is lower than the lowest ranking female. The males live on the fringes, waiting to eat until the females are finished. Such a humble god is yhwh. Or, maybe the asherah jumped in and snuck in one of her own works, while yhwh was resting w his coors bethelite. S

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    The first time I read the Subject of the thread I thought it said:

    "The Hymen......"

    What the heck?

    Ok....reread....we are ok, now.

    Not that, on this board the first reading would be a surprise......


  • sir82

    There's a little-known story that got left out of the book of Genesis...

    It turns out, in addition to a "tree", there was a "dead rotting carcass" of the knowledge of good and bad. The first Hyena was told by God not to eat of it, but a talking platypus convinced Mrs. Hyena to do so anyway. As punishment, God gave even more severe "birth pangs" to the hyena, as their sin was more egregious (it seems they ate the blood of the carcass of the knowledge of good and bad as well).

    See? All you Godless secular humanist atheists just don't appreciate divine justice!

  • PopeOfEruke


    I knew there must have been something inbteresting in those "missing scrolls".

    Q. Whats the difference between Bethel HQ and a porcupine?

    A. With the porcupine all the pricks are on the outside.



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