As Witnesses, you are trained to feel guilty. I don't know if I'm rare regarding my guiltless feelings but I have not had any guilt whatsoever after leaving the Witnesses. Not even a little bit.....What about you??
How Do You Let Go Of Your Guilt?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
I have not had any guilt whatsoever after leaving the Witnesses. Not even a little bit
I look at it this way: the WTS is like a crooked business that cheats its customers and lies about its products. I wouldn't feel guilty about not doing business with a company that treated its customers so poorly, so why should I feel guilty about leaving the WTS / JWs, when all they've done is lied and cheated and defrauded people?
You don't know what guilt is until you grow up in a sexually abusive, alcoholic family. I already learned how to let go of the guilt when I dealth with those issues and their effects on my life. Leaving the WTS was a piece of cake.
Blondie (no guilt in my life)
No guilt here.
Yeah I had alot of guilt growing up, but once I found out the WT Society was a lying racket, the guilt ceased, and then came the anger.
Become a sociopath!
AK - Jeff
I feel no guilt in leaving - but the structure of guilt - the idea that something is missing, bourne from decades of guilt-training is still there.
For instance - today I am off work [for perfectly legitimate reasons] - yet I carry a guilt burden with me all day over it - as if someone else should properly be in charge of my adult decisions in life - good or bad. I don't know if this is from the old Jw guilt trip - or if is imposed from society in general. Having been a Jw for waaaaay too many years, I cannot distiguish the source for certain.
But as far as leaving the WTS - I don't even feel guilty when I daily flip the KH a bird as I pass.
I use to have a lot of guilt. Mostly buying into the mentality it was *my* fault I can't be an active part of my family anymore. Not any longer though. It was probably about a 10 year process but I don't feel anything but pity for all of them.
Never any guilt about fulfilling my biggest (actually my only) dream. Getting away from the dub world.
Then life goes on and there are other guilts to deal with. Many I can't describe here.
For my guilts where someone else may be involved, I try to forget about it and I try to think they have forgotten about it. I have tried repentance with little success.
The only guilt I have revolves around being displeasing to friends and family. Knowing that people think something is wrong with me continues to bother me.