Maybe we're psychopaths like Scully says.
How Do You Let Go Of Your Guilt?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
I have no guilt whatsoever about leaving. I carry guilt for having been in and raising my kids in it. I feel guilty about pulling them out of school because of bad association; denying them a good education and a fun youth. At least I can be glad they left it too and won't be passing it on to my grandchildren.
Vernon Williams
Guilt was never a motivater with me. Within the JWs, I guess that made me a type of Spiritaul Pervert. I did feel a huge amount of honor and responsibility. I consider them diferent things.
Yours in this Struggle,
Man, did they use that guilt card ALOT! I remember crying at the stupid wanktower study...because I wasnt doing enough , EVER!!!!
after that, i was so done with feeling guilty....if you really want to know how I feel about guilt....
if GOD himself came down here to earth, and told me to get on my knees and worship IT, I would turn around and walk away....that's how not guilty I feel about not worshiping a being that claims to be god.
Now if Jesus came down...that's a different story...I have alot of admiration and respect for that man. I would shake his hand. and ask him some questions.....
And if God and Jesus are one and the same person...well slap me upside the head with an idiot-stick.
I'd never cry at a Watchtower because I wasn't doing enough. I might laugh though.
Proof I was totally duped and brainwashed.....gawd how was I so stupid
wait, dont answer that
When a person believes that the Faithful & Discreet Slave is appointed by Jehovah and Christ, I guess you can accept anything. Once I reconciled that there was no such thing as the FDS (other than for feminine hygiene) it was easy to see everything fall apart. Guilt is the least of my issues.
I don't feel guilty about leaving JWs, but I do feel guilty about questioning God, and why He hasn't stepped in yet to fix all the injustices in the world.
The WTS uses the strategy of "you can never do enough" on its followers and keeps them in a defensive, "guilt" mode. Certain personality types are suckers for this and there is no hope for them. Real guilt should be based on genuine regret for things you have done that do not meet your personal self image of decent conduct. Even those things should be viewed as lessons and not lifelong baggage. So saith the Lord God Gregor.
alcohol makes everything go away