Noisy Neighbours - what do you do?!

by Crumpet 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Okay so here is the scenario:

    I finally acquaint myself with the "floating ship" that is my four poster bed about 1.30 am, finish watching a favourite lullaby horror movie - Wolf Creek and close my eyes.

    Minutes later a door slams right next to my ear and then another and what sounds like a gaggle of adolescent girls (reminiscent of the current manless debacle that is Big Brother UK this year) screams their way into the flat next door at high volume. They are talking so loud I can hear every inane word they say. I shove a pillow over my head hoping that since it is in fact 2 am on Friday morning and most people have work next day they will simmer down.

    But no the volume gets louder and louder. They are incapable of communication except at high volume. I give it half an hour and decide maybe if I move one room away through the barricade of a wooden door I may be able to block some of the sound. I shiver onto my leather sofa at the coldest part of the morning. And then freaking techno music starts - at least I think thats what it is. The living room windows are shaking in the glass. The whole block must be awake by now.

    3.30am and I am still awake - I have stuffed knickers in my ears and still I can feel the ceaseless thump thump of music and the odd girl shriek.

    4 am and I want to take a chain saw to their front door. Will this never stop. More doors slam. More voices. More thumping.

    5am day breaks - the crows and squirrels join the chorus in unmelodic fashion, gauging mating signals and fighting.

    5.30 am A girl shouts right I'm going, I'm going - slams the door so everything in my flat rattles in protest and silence finally descends

    Unbelievable. I have to get up for work in an hour. I drift into uncomfortable sleep in my bed. Only to dream that I go and complain about the noise, go to work and return only to find my flat has been broken into and emptied.

    6.30 my alarm goes off. I utter a savage snarl and approach the shower with gritted teeth.

    Less than an hours sleep and a full days work ahead.

    So what do I do? I am worried that if I complain to the resident who is a guy about my age, tall and a typical Londoner and a tad imposing that my flat will indeed see the sore end of that.

    What I also realised was the walls are a lot thinner than they look and that I previously thought they were. SO maybe I have been noisey too on ocassion.

    Do I write a note saying:

    "Look mate, I want to apologise for noise I have made here. I never realised how thin the walls were. I am sincerely sorry for the any noise I may have made with my industrial vibrator, girl visitors, boy visitors, small donkeys - whatever. Please please can you keep the noise down on week nights and I will do the same. I can cope with riotous weekend nights. Heck I may even join you. But please on school nights can you not do what happened last night or I will go insane and we can expect chainsaws at dawn next time."

    Has anybody else had this experience and been worried about addressing the culprit because of fear of repercussions to property? How would you or have you handled it?


  • dawg

    Crumpet, I have this covered... as you know, I live in a college town, I was working for the masters, and I also have my own busniess. Guys next door are the typical whore hopping youths in college that are always smoking pot and getting drunk; which is fine by me as long as they invite me over once in awhile, share, and as long as they are quiet during the week. One week night they were blowing the lid off and I had to go over 5 times and politely ask them to shut it down becasue it was during the week. Thye never did, so I roused the next morining from the limited sleep I had, put on a Barry Manilow CD with copa cabana on it, turned the volume up to 10, hit repete and went to work... came back 9 hours later and they were on the front porch; dude says, "if you'll please shut that shit off i promise I'll never keep you up during the week again. We both laughed and that was the end of it.

  • free2think

    I'm sorry about your noisy neighbours Crumpet. I'm quite naughty when it comes to noisy neighbours I tend to play them at their own game and turn my music up.

  • Crumpet

    So the answer is play them at their own game at the risk of upsetting my other neighbours - on the other side a country music man who plays his music at a soothing level on an afternoon at the weekend or the girl upstairs, who apart from dropping the ocassional A bomb on my ceiling, is very quiet and no bother?

    I am tempted and also very annoyed. So the temptation is to play my stuff at full blast until I fall asleep!

  • DJK
    "Look mate, I want to apologise for noise I have made here. I never realised how thin the walls were. I am sincerely sorry for the any noise I may have made with my industrial vibrator, girl visitors, boy visitors, small donkeys - whatever. Please please can you keep the noise down on week nights and I will do the same. I can cope with riotous weekend nights. Heck I may even join you. But please on school nights can you not do what happened last night or I will go insane and we can expect chainsaws at dawn next time."

    I think that approach will work. Your neighbor will realise you could have called the police. He/she will also remember the humor you use and the next time it starts to get loud it will come to memory quickly and they won't have a reason to piss you off on purpose.

  • misanthropic
    Do I write a note saying: "Look mate, I want to apologise for noise I have made here. I never realised how thin the walls were. I am sincerely sorry for the any noise I may have made with my industrial vibrator, girl visitors, boy visitors, small donkeys - whatever. Please please can you keep the noise down on week nights and I will do the same. I can cope with riotous weekend nights. Heck I may even join you. But please on school nights can you not do what happened last night or I will go insane and we can expect chainsaws at dawn next time."

    OMG Crumpet ROFL!!! Hilarious.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Strangely I think the humorous note might work too!

    Is it the first time this has happened or is it regular? If it was a one-off I might leave it for now and save the letter for another time if it becomes regular. But you do need to start keeping a diary of dates and times just in case the environmental health people get involved eventually.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper


    I'd go with Sad Emo's advice, and save the note until next time. Keep a log though.


  • purplesofa

    If it happens again, I would bang on the wall to get their attention........

    and if they dont the police for disturbance.


  • Nosferatu

    Ugh, I know the feeling. We had mating rabbits living on top of us and beside us. So we joined in and vowed to become the loudest mating rabbits in the block!

    The neighbor above me would listen to fvvving yoga music at 2:00am. The yoga music seemed to put the above neighbor into a trance where she would drag furniture across the hardwood floor. What the hell was she doing moving furniture every goddam night at 2:00am?

    The neighbors beside us were more interesting. They would fight one day and fvvv the next day. It was always fun listening to their arguments. When I realized the walls were that thin, I would put my bare ass up to the wall and fart.

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