Noisy Neighbours - what do you do?!

by Crumpet 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    If you go the 'play loud music' route, you might drag your stereo speakers over to the wall where the kids are on the other side - pushing the speakers right up against the wall.

    Then place pillows against the back of the speakers - to muffle any sound coming out of the back of them.

    This way, the music will go through the wall to the intended destination - not disturbing other innocent neighbors.

    Music choice? I recommend opera. The kind where the lady screams on and on. Kids can't stand opera (neither can I).

    Good Luck.


    Jim TX

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Go down your basement and find the electrical disconnect to their apartment and switch the main breaker to OFF. That should at least take care of the music problem. Most people won't even think to check their electrical disconnect box.

  • Elsewhere

    Your first mistake was in trying to tolerate and avoid the noise.

    When I start hearing loud neighbors, I simply walk over and politely ask them to be less noisy. I know it sounds dumb and cheesy, but so far it has worked 100% of the time for me in my Apartment Dweller years.

    It's just a matter of treating your neighbors with respect and demonstrating that you would prefer to handle the matter "Man-to-Man" as opposed to calling a manager or the police. I find that people tend to respect and appreciate that kind of approach.

    Hell, I've been offered drinks after asking neighbors to keep the noise down.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I agree with Elsewhere, I've gone to my neighbors and politely asked them to turn the music/video games down before, and they've listened. Try the carrot before the stick.

    Plus most places here have a noise part in the lease where being too loud after certian hours can result in fines, or eviction if they continue to bother the other tenants.
    I'd go 1) Neighbor 2) Landlord 3) Law.

  • RichieRich

    My neighbors to one side are hispanic, and they love that stereotypical la cucaracha music, and they LOVE listening to it at about 8 am on sunday morning as they clean their car before mass.

    I work in a bar on friday and saturday nights, so I usually get in about 4am or so on Sunday morning... so the music is usually firing up right as I'm in the deepest of sleep.

    Well, not to be out done, I woke up at 6AM one sunday, and put on the most Satanic heavy metal i could, and I cleaned my car, washed it, detailed it, waxed it, sat next to it and looked at it... I spent a lot of time listening to that music.

    Its been about a month now, and I haven't been disturbed on a Sunday since.

  • Gregor

    You must try the direct approach first. "Hi guys! I am next door and I have to rise early and I need my winks, Ha Ha! I would appreciate it if you could keep it down. Otherwise, I might flip out and come over here and kill everyone with a machete". They might be considerate and keep it down. If not, I suggest foam rubber ear plugs. They work great. The one thing you can't block out is loud base. This calls for intervention of the landlord, the cops and the local elders.

  • Elsewhere
    Well, not to be out done, I woke up at 6AM one sunday, and put on the most Satanic heavy metal i could, and I cleaned my car, washed it, detailed it, waxed it, sat next to it and looked at it... I spent a lot of time listening to that music.

    Holy chiwawa!

  • bluebell

    Our neighbour came and apologised for her music being so loud and we hadn't heard a thing! Told her not to worry. You'd have thought that in a 70's flat that you'd hear everything but nope.

    I like your note! SO funny, it must be used it would be a disgrace not to use it.

  • greendawn

    I never really had any problems with noise because when it occured if I told them once or twice to keep it down late at night and they did. One bisexual guy and his girlfriend that were a bit undisciplined, I think they would get high on marijuana and lose all contact with the environment and their obligations, they fortunately left after a short while. He got cancer and went back to his mother's house leaving behind two months rent and all bills unpaid.

    Then the flat became an office and I hardly ever hear them, they are there 9 AM - 5 PM Monday to Friday. That was a great stroke of luck.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    LOL @ dawg for actually owning a Barry Manilow CD.

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