Comments You Will Not Year At the 6-3-07 WT Study (BUILD UP CONG?)

by blondie 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Welcome Oracle, and the newbies.

    You provided some pretty good material. I could have used some of it during today's lesson, by gently weaving in a few of the finer points to the discussion.

    I try to do it every week. Sometimes I do 3 ahead and post them on the road. That's way too much BS in one sitting though.

    Strangely enough, when the CO or his wife would go on my studies (isn't that an old JW phrase) they would say if I were a male member of the congregation I would be a good WT or book study conductor. I have coached at least 10 elders on how to be better conductors unofficially.

    Comments you won't hear...but I did make some of these and similar in my meeting going days.

    Just click on my name on this post and then select new topics, all but a couple of the reviews should pop up. Twice I had other people post what I had written under their username when I was gone.

    I try to put out something, abbreviated when I am sick or sick of it all.

    5 years out and I put more time than a whole congregation into the study of the WT. The WTS should let me just edit the articles and save me time.

    Welcome, Oracle.

    Blondie (wife, sister, niece, cousin, granddaughter, great-niece of a long line of conductors)

  • jeanV

    welcome Oracle.

    The Oracle (an undercover elder working to expose the organization for what it really is... from the inside)

    you are not alone. be ready, keeping up the mask is not easy but is worth the effort .

  • Blueblades

    These are the kinds of articles the Society does not want the public to see and read. Next year when the Watchtower goes into two separate modes one for the public with no study articles for them to read and one for the rank and file with study articles to study, you can expect more and more study articles like this one, to try and stem the tide of descent among the rank and file.

    Thanks Blondie!


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Thanks for the warm welcome Blondie!

    I am glad to hear that you do your WT commentary regularly. I look forward to your insights.

    jeanV: Cool. Am I to assume you are in the same boat? How long have you been undercover? I would be interested to here some of your experiences working from the inside for the greater good.

  • Pistoff

    "The elders and all others in the congre¬gation are imperfect, so from time to time, misunderstandings or problems occur, as they did in the first century when some of the apostles were still present."

    Amazing. They reference the sex abuse scandal unconsciously for the entire rank and file, and minimize it completely.

    When I began having trouble listening at meetings, I blamed myself; when I realized that the blood doctrine was based on a food restriction, I blamed myself; when I no longer thought arguing about the trinity was important, I blamed myself.

    That all blew apart when I realized they were lying about the sex abuse scandal. NOWHERE in this article is the smallest evidence that they get how culpable they are; when there is a problem with elders not doing their job, what should a christian do????

    Wait on Jehovah, and listen to the WT compare themselves to 1) God 2) Jesus 3) the apostles.

    The blasphemy is breathtaking.

    I get a little angrier every day at this leadership.

    They are corrupt and morally and ethically bankrupt.

    The article said we should be thankful for the elders?

    Sure I am; thankful that an elder in my cong growing up was happy to feel up the young girls, and get away with it.

    Thankful that an elder currently is a peeping tom, and denying it. He moves through a circle of friends every year and the mysteries about peeping toms follow him.

    Thankful that an elder lied to me repeatedly in a JC case involving a suicidal relative of mine.

    Thankful that the elders locally branded my family because we had a large gathering of young ones; never mind that each time we had it we had ELDERS there, and family heads.

    Thankful that elders told me I had no spirituality because I refused to fire a depressed person who was disfellowshipped.

    To all those elders, THANKS.

    You helped me gain my intellectual and spiritual freedom.

  • garybuss

    The argument to wait on Jehovah when an elder's "problems arise" (sins) is a good example of "special pleading".

    This "case is an exception to a rule based upon an irrelevant characteristic that does not define an exception."

    Why can't the teen age pregnant girl who's facing a judicial committee "wait on Jehovah" as well? The answer is obvious. The Watch Tower Corporation is not a business that relies on pregnant teen age girls, but they are a business that does rely on the middle level management workers called "elders".

    It's a perfect example of a special exception exposing a double standard. It's always nice when they do this is print.

    Look up "special pleading".

    "People are most tempted to engage in special pleading when they are subject to a law or moral rule that they wish to evade. People often attempt to apply a "double standard", which makes an exception to the rule for themselves?or people like them?but applies it to others. They usually do not argue that they, or their group, should be exempt from the rule simply because of who they are; this would be such obvious special pleading that no one would be fooled. Instead, they invoke some characteristic that they have that sets them apart; however, if the characteristic is not a relevant exception to the rule, then they are engaged in special pleading."

  • anewme

    The reasoning and logic is so lame! I never saw it before I started reading the "Comments You Will Not Hear". They drilled us for years with the same stupid defenses for every objection to their beliefs.
    When newbies come on to JWD and use the exact same dumb defenses that I was taught in 1972 I am appalled at the cult.

    Thankyou thankyou thankyou dear Blondie for continuing to help us analyze and read between the cult-speak of the Watchtower!


  • ?me?

    maybe it was my imagination, but alot of people at the study DID NOT WANT TO ANSWER. there were a number of awkward silences after the questions were asked, and then sometimes the elders had to answer themselves.. i could not find a paragraph to answer, i don't like answering anyway, but i will not answer if i don't agree with what it says. me

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Cheers for another thought provoking review Blondie!

    There were lots of occasions where they use their own JW added terms like GB, and suggest thats what its says in scripture, to most dubs it sounds right and reinforces that fabrication, its said so often its become 'truth' now. Its no wonder it takes so long for your mind to break free of that type of manipulation. I'm sure its very obvious for onlookers to realise its all BS, and thats probably why they intend to go under ground with their cult members only edition in the future. I'm glad I can see it for what it is, but equally feel very frustrated for those I know who still buy it.

    CS 101

  • blondie

    Thanks all for your excellent comments...much more educational that anything at the KH.

    The WTS also adds words using the dreaded brackets to add the WTS slant on the cautious.

    [dreaded brackets]

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