How many of us suffered in the JWs from a lack of justice, love, or abuse of power by elders? How did it make you question what you believed or had been duped into believing? Would be good to hear experiences so we can bounce ideas off each other on how it freed you from fear of authority or otherwise. I was raised in the witnesses and always taught that elders were ,"crags in waterless countries to be refreshing to us " in times of need. Only problem was, the congregations I attended, many of the elders were the waterless countries with no refreshment, and many times I found myself more encouraged by some humble brother or sister in the corner, who the elders would consider, inconsequential. So I invite your input. Thanks, Flipper.
What injustice and abuse of power did you suffer at hand of elders?
by flipper 27 Replies latest jw friends
Covering up pedophilia
Lying to CTA and get yours in trouble
Allowing verbal abuse under the guise of "freeness of speech"
"disciplining" others for the things they are still doing
"feeling up" the sisters; 5 complained, all lying per the elders
My father died suddenly when I was 18. I found a really great friend (a "worldly person" GASP!) who helped me through a difficult time, and was pulled into the B school and told that if I didn't stop seeing her, I wouldn't see my father again.
There is only one elder I know that will be there for you throught thick and thin. He seems to be the only elder that the rest of the congregation can count on. The only problem is that he's so old now and can't do as much as he'd like for others. The rest of the BOE could care less if you're going thru difficulty. My brother died 2 weeks ago and my own book study overseer didn't call to see how me or my family were doing.
As a girl whose dad was not an active jw (and who later died of lung cancer), the elders were my "head" according to them. I was constantly being told what to do by one knuckleheaded elder. Thankfully, I was not raised to take what a man says as "god's word". So I rarely took it to heart. But it was still a worrisome issue, because I was known as a trouble maker because of not heeding the advice of the elders.
R.F. I'm so sorry about your brother. I'm sorry for your loss.I hope you have others around who will comfort you. Mrs. Flipper and I have lost close relatives, our condolences.Alot of us have had to rely on others for comfort because of the elders lack of real fellow feeling.It's mentioned on the platform, rarely put in practice by maybe 80% of the elders. As you stated, some have good sincere motives, but not all. Peace to you R.F.
Blondie and others, thanks, it's true we have all suffered at the hands of men who are supposed to comfort in times of need. As we all see that comfort turns into abuse of power , injustice, and a lack of love. Sorry you all went through that as I did. Let's keep more comments coming. Thanks all. Peace Flipper
Thank you Flipper, and i'm truly sorry for your loss as well. Most of our comfort has come from family members(non-Witnesses) and other acquaintances. I only heard from 2 out of the 8 elders and one of the 2 checked on us everyday. Im not saying I need someone to wait on me hand and foot, but just knowing someone is thinking about you means alot. Then you had sister regular pioneer that comes by with 50 "When Someone You Love Dies" brochures to give to family members, as if I or my father couldn't acquire them.
Too many to frigin name !
Alligator Wisdom
I found myself more encouraged by some humble brother or sister in the corner, who the elders would consider, inconsequential.
Oh so true!
My current "team" of elders in the congregation are task masters. Shepherding is done on a token basis the week before the CO visits the congregation. Any and all so-called counsel and direction that was given to me in this congregation wasn't based on fundamental Biblical truths. How do I know? I even asked them to crack open the Bible to help me understand the reasoning behind their direction. The answer I got : Read the publications. Funny, isn't it?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)