Which of these Dinosaurs is dying the fastest

by free2beme 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Which of the following companies do you think will die first

    The Phone Company

    The Paper News Paper

    The Postal System

    All three are slowly being taken apart by the Internet and are considered old school ways of handling things. Do you think they can servive, or has their time passed. Personally, I have not had a land line in 5 years. Have not read a paper newpaper in years and only mail things with snail mail, when a company does not have a website I can pay through.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I'd go for this one - it died out before it even got to tell us what it was

  • free2beme

    Some how it messed up, I had to go back and rewrite.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Ah, now we have choice lol!

    I wouldn't say the phone system is dying out at all - or did you just mean land lines? Everyone seems to be surgically attached to cell phones, whether thats for texting or talking on.

    Out of the other two, I might say the paper newspaper - because news is so readily available online and on TV.

  • 5thGeneration

    Gotta go with phone company.

    People still like touching the paper, reading a real letter or catalog or greeting card.

    But land lines are soon going to go the way of the dodo. Who needs 'em?

  • pmouse

    I agree. The newspaper will most probably die out first. People will most likely continue to send cards, thank you notes, etc. because of etiquette....people will continue to use the phone system due to cell phones, internet, etc...so that leaves newspapers who are already seeing a decrease in subscriptions thanks to the internet news sources.

    JMHO, but I don't think the newspaper publishers will go away, but will evolve more and more into an electronic media based on subscription use.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    People still like touching the paper, reading a real letter or catalog or greeting card.

    They do but how many people still send actual letter or cards by post. Is it possible that they are becoming such a rare occurence that when we receive them they are appreciated more? I get very little post - most cards I get are hand-delivered, the post I get is usually bills, and I even have the option to go 'paperless' on all those now (I'd get them by email instead)

    Maybe you could say that the phone companies are evolving to cell phone technology rather than becoming extinct? I think we're a bit behind in the UK - cable and Sky are quite popular here because you can get tv/phone/internet packages dirt cheap.

  • Hermano

    Definetely newspapers. They are being hit on both sides of their revenue streams: Advertisers don't want to advertise with them and readers don't want to buy. Land lines are still needed for DSL service. That's the only reason why I still have mine. (I don't want to do cable.) Postal service is still useful for small packages.

  • Honesty

    If the newspaper goes what am I going to read whilst sitting on the throne?

    The first jerk who says Watchtower and Awake magazines is going to be disfellowshipped.

  • Honesty
    Definetely newspapers. They are being hit on both sides of their revenue streams: Advertisers don't want to advertise with them and readers don't want to buy.

    People around here pay for their subscriptions with the $ they save with the coupons that come in the newspaper.

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