Interesting place! For whatever reason I have never chosen to search for such an BBS. I don't know how I will fit in. I left 15+ years ago, born and raised, I am 36 now. Some here seem to play the anti-christ roll, while others are playing it safe and still more are almost neutral. I'm a full blown anti-christ, I neither believe in Jehovah or Jesus. I have never been much of a good boy. Became a pioneer at 20 just to find out if god was really choosing them, obviously not! The years after leaving were filled with all sorts of hypocrisy on my part, from beleiving the devil had a hold on me, to screaming fu** you god to the sky. My own experiance may or may not be typical. After my mothers death I found out my "father" had died long before I was born. As she layed on her death bed crying for jehovah to take her, never did I realize that not a week later I would discover her infidelity, her lie. At that time I suddenly knew why my sister was distant, why my grandmother refered to me as "the" boy. I have read several things on here that makes me very sad. For those that believe you are being watched or hunted, LET IT GO! Live your life! Do not for one more instance feel that you are somewhat obligated to keep your eye over your shoulder. Light a cigarette and go blow it in an elders face, while puking Absolut on his shoes. I hope to contribute something here, Me loves the deep subject's. I could go on, thanks for reading my blather. Dave
by davegod 25 Replies latest jw friends
Let me be one of the first to welcome you here.
Welcome Dave, you seem to have quite a story to tell, you are one of many JWs that were born in the religion and subsequently left it in disgust.
WAC xElder xBethelite
Welcome. It sounds like you will fit right in here.
Welcome, Dave
Hello Dave: Welcom to the board.
Welcome to the board Dave.
kitten whiskers
Welcome Dave! It's always nice to see another newbie! Hope you enjoy it here- be forewarned-this is one ADDICTIVE site!:)
Welcome Dave! Grab yourself a chair and pour yourself a cold one you're gonna get along just fine!