Paris Jailed

by frozen one 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I hope everyone is happy now. The evil Paris Hilton is behind bars and society is safe. For those of you who believe as I do that this is an unspeakable injustice, I ask that you join me in a hunger strike until Paris is freed. Come on everyone, join in.

    No justice, no peace! FREE PARIS!!! No justice, no peace! FREE PARIS!! No justice, no pea...Huh? Whaa? Chocolate chip cookies!! I'd love some chocolate chip cookies!!! Gotta go!

  • Pubsinger

    About time.

    The crimes are endless.

    Not importing British beef

    Smelling of garlic

    Over rated wine

    Citroen Cars


    Stripey Shirts

  • Mary
    The evil Paris Hilton is behind bars and society is safe.

    Hopefully, the stupid broad will learn not to drink and drive anymore. Sumpthin tells me she's not going to like The Simple Life for the next 23 days.

  • brinjen

    Reminds me of the parody on 'American Dad' "Tonight on fox, the simple life. Life without parole". Something tells me she won't learn anything, she'll be sheltered from what the average prisoner has to endure, come out smelling of roses and making a few more million.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    As long as Paris is in jail she's ruining my chances of winning the DEAD POOL.

    At least I've still got that crazy fox Lindsey Lohan flirting with Mr. Death.

    You go (die), Girl!

  • free2think

    So her prayers went unanswered, lol. What will all the photographers do without her to take pictures of in compromising and extremely funny situations.

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    Time to pay the piper.

    But you are right....the entire sentence will end up on one of her reality shows and she will make millions off it.

  • LeslieV

    If it was your kid that kept doing what this silly girl does, believe me he/she would be in jail longer then what she is going to be. I think it is time to pay the piper. They really gave it to her at the MTV awards last night. No mercy even from her piers.


  • theinfamousone


    the infamous one(says it as simple as he can)

  • Gregor

    Between Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, and many more in this catagory of shallow, rich celebrities it makes me wonder why anyone would envy them or give two cents about who they are fornicating with etc. Does anyone really think they are happy people?

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