Paris Jailed

by frozen one 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    Haha Sara Silverman rocks, I loved her joke about the cell bars getting painted so she would feel more at home. I think she almost made her cry.


  • poppers

    What gets me is that her sentence was cut in half for good behavior before she even go locked up. And what was that "good behavior"? Making her court appearance, which is required by law anyway. Sheesh!

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    What gets me is that her sentence was cut in half for good behavior before she even go locked up. And what was that "good behavior"? Making her court appearance, which is required by law anyway. Sheesh! I wondered about that also. I read that giving time off for good behavior before the jail time begins is common. The practice gives the inmate an incentive to be a good prisoner and follow the rules. The reduced sentence also helps to ease overcrowding.

  • sammielee24

    It was also reported on the news a while back, that the jails are so overcrowded in California, that hardly anyone serves their full sentence for this type of crime. Some don't end up going at all and others can pick the jail they are going to. sammieswife.

  • greendawn

    Apparently she thought she had too much money to worry about going to jail but she was wrong, it's a warning to other celebrities not to think they are above the law.

  • needproof

    There will always be the moronic hoard of faithful followers who worship the ground beneath the feet of these inconsequential celebrities. No doubt she will make money from a book or something. I wouldn't cross the road to see her. I never have done that for a "celeb" and I never will.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Spoiled rich chicks that finally get to see the inside of the cell doesn't bother me. Maybe someone, somewhere, will think before they tip the bottle and grab the keys. Someone's child, father, mother, sibling or friend will not be killed by that drunk perhaps.

    Likely Paris HIlton will contribute little of any addtional value on her silver-spoon journey through life - so this is her one chance to actually provide a service to mankind.

    She doesn't live in the same world I live in - someone once suggested a trip to Wal-Mart to shop - she looked at them incredulously and replied, in all honesty; "What is a Wal-Mart?" Her worst punishment till now was prob when Daddy took away her keys to the Porsche and suggested she take the Beemer tonight. Poor baby.


  • needproof

    Dear Jeff, so to put it in the King's good English, I do believe what you are trying to say is that Paris Hilton is a little spoiled rich brat.

  • JeffT

    Taking off the good behavior time up front is SOP. That way they can take it away when you f*** up. Take it from some one that did some time recently, that is a very real sword over your head. I had first thought they were going to put her in general pop. which would have been interesting to say the least. I'm hearing now that she won't have a roommate, which certainly takes away from the experience. Given what jail food is like, she will come out thinner, if that's possible.

    I hope, but do not expect, that she learns something from this.

  • Xena

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