To "Youllneverknow" - my secret admirer... are you listening?

by AK - Jeff 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    By now you realise that your account has been deactivated. I'm a bit sad in a way, since I know you are no threat to me. Still, out here in the 'real life', we have rules regarding civil conduct that even Jehovah's Witnesses must abide by to keep their 'privilages' here. Those rules are posted for you to see each time you create a topic, message, or reply to a thread. Your violation of those rules is the reason your account is dead.

    Still - if you really want to contact me, you can do so. I have an obscure email account, that I will just delete should you get out of control - but if you have something you wish to say to me - honestly and above board you can do it here; speedtrader2001 "at"

    If you use an anonymous account also we can have this discussion 'behind closed doors' so to speak and not out here in the open. It's up to you. I will keep the invite open for a few days. If you prefer cowardice, then just lurk here.


    [edited to protect Jeff from spyders and 'bots]

  • ozziepost


    I think I must add this postscript.

    To: YoullNeverKnow:

    Should you be thinking of opening another account in order to engage Jeff, I must caution you that such registration will be barred for it violates Posting Guidelines to have more than one account.

    If this unhappy matter is cleared up satisfactorily with Jeff, in the manner he suggests, then your posting 'privileges' may be reinstated.

    If there is something I've misunderstood, please email me at: [email protected]



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Ozzie.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I revive this thread a week later to let you know, Youllneverknow, that I am still available.

    You contacted me. Then you emailed me and went back into hiding. I do not fear that you are dangerous now - as I did at the start. I think now that you are a scared JW - you have lurked here on JWD, and I believe you still are lurking here. You may have doubts about your faith, or perhaps you have misconceptions about whatever you believe about me and my exit from your religion. Or perhaps you just are an ass who has decided to bother me and keep me looking over my shoulder. I do not know which it is.

    You initiated contact. There is some reason for that - if you are just spying on me, it would be easy to keep out of sight and watch my posts here and elsewhere. You went to a lot of trouble to find me here - then just drop off the radar again. I just wanted to let you know that I have not 'closed the door to my tender compassions' if that is what you seek. If what you seek is just to be mysterious, and try and cause me some constention, that will not work. Curiousity yes, but concern no.

    DDP - How is L and Z?


  • Clam

    Jeff - it looks like you're starting to stalk your stalker!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Jeff - it looks like you're starting to stalk your stalker!


    Clam - you are a wit. No - I just want to help if that is what this person wants. I have determined who it is with 90% assurity. I remember how fearful it felt to approach those whom I was thinking that God might have rejected.


  • Clam

    Fair enough Jeff,

    Excuse my flippancy, I can see how important it is to you and I hope you get a result.

    All the best


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Clam - I looked back at my comment - when I said you are a 'wit' - I hope you know I mean that in a good way - I mean you keep things lively.

    Thanx for the support my friend.


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