To "Youllneverknow" - my secret admirer... are you listening?

by AK - Jeff 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Don't jw's realize stories like this get around? If they are trying to make jw's look crazier than people already think they are, stories like this just prove it. However if the person had the courage to come forward and speak with you and apologize for such freaky behavior it would go a long way in restoring their own integrity and self worth as well as what other may think of them. Not that they care. I hope they find the courage to speak with you , who knows? They may find a real friend who is capable of unconditional love & friendship in developing a relationship with you.

  • ozziepost

    I've restored youllneverknow's account.

    youllneverknow: You have posting access again.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    If they are trying to make jw's look crazier than people already think they are, stories like this just prove it. However if the person had the courage to come forward and speak with you and apologize for such freaky behavior it would go a long way in restoring their own integrity and self worth as well as what other may think of them. Not that they care. I hope they find the courage to speak with you , who knows? They may find a real friend who is capable of unconditional love & friendship in developing a relationship with you.

    Agreed. That is why, in spite of the tasteless way in which I became aware of this soul, that I keep the door open now. Having lived it, I can relate, not to imply that I think the same way as they do now -but I can relate - if they are interested. I still love Jehovah's Witnesses. I only detest the lies they have been force fed.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    AK Jeff:

    I still love Jehovah's Witnesses. I only detest the lies they have been force fed.

    you know what? that's a nice balanced attitude. Love the people not the Borg.

    Still being a fast fading dub for now, so I appreciate that attitude. I am getting less and less tolerant of the lies. (sorry for the hijack)

    SnakesInTheTower (of the fading Sheep Class)

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Love the people not the Borg.

    Yes, SitT - when Jesus condemned the actions and hypocricy of the Jewish leadership he held no disdain for the lowly downtrodden Jews who belabored under the loads the S&P put upon them. Though I can never hope to imitate that example with any level of competence, I desire to emulate it as far as possible.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You know what? This person has succeeded in pissing me off royally!

    First the taunts on on the board, then we had them disabled, then I kindly asked for this person to be 'reinstated'. Following that, this person sent me a couple of taunts by email - more of the same, " I am not going to say anything much, just make you scratch your head a little", bullshit.

    Now two weeks later - nothing. I don't mind debates, discussion, even argumentation from Jw's. But this sort of shit [pardon me moderators for I am a bit angry], truly pisses me off. Just like 'em, same crap they do at the doors when someone wishes to engage them in meaningful debate about doctrine, or Jw child-rapist in the congregation. Just piss people off and get on down the road. No guts - no intelligence.

    I just wish this guy would stand up like a man and be counted, instead of being a coward. After all - he was the asshole who started this.

    Sorry to rant -

    Jeff [of the tired of stupid games that cowards have to play class]

  • DJK

    They can slither out from a cesspool to cause anguish and then slither back. Youllneverknow has drowned in a cesspool and he wont be back.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    They can slither out from a cesspool to cause anguish and then slither back. Youllneverknow has drowned in a cesspool and he wont be back.

    Good analogy, I must sadly admit. Jeff

  • exwitless

    Wow, AK Jeff. I don't think I've ever "seen" you this angry before. I missed out on the original secret admirer ordeal somehow. I just wanted to pop in and see if you're doing OK. Exwitless

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Youllneverknow, sounds like a punk!! Jeff, don't sweat assholes like him.

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