July KM - warning against active apostates - summary

by dozy 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • eclipse

    Active apostate = an active JW who is an undercover apostate

    Inactive apostate = A known apostate or DF'd or DA'd ex-JW.


  • Clam
    "Active (vs. inactive?) apostate" is a rather interesting notion btw. Is it common in recent WT literature? It already appears once in 1985 (W 7/15), as an allusion to 2 John 9-11 ... What does it take to be an active apostate? Anti-WT activism? Occasional public or private criticism of the WT? Church membership?

    I was thinking the same Narkissos. Maybe the active apostate returns to his own vomit and the inactive one doesn't.


  • eclipse

    I think they are more afraid of the ''active apostates'' than they are of the inactive ones.

    The active apostates are the ones that they dont know about, and can do the most damage help.

  • icyestrm

    This shows how scared out of their minds the GB are of us. If they have the truth then whatever we say wouldn't matter yet they want to control what we say on the internet. The Jan WT 2008 issue will definitely tighten the screws on the average JW's free time, especially on the net.

  • Anti-Christ

    Why do I still get aggressive wen I hear things like that? Man no wonder I was never happy in the borg

    I think they are more afraid of the ''active apostates'' than they are of the inactive ones.

    An elder said to me once that the most "dangerous apostates" were the ones who were "half" apostates, I guess that means the undercover apostate.

  • Clam
    If they have the truth then whatever we say wouldn't matter yet they want to control what we say on the internet

    Icy yep, the truth doesn't need protection but lies need constant propping up.

    By the way well said WTWizard. They live in a big glass house but just can't help throwing stones.


  • carla

    'half apostate'? I suppose that would be dangerous. One who accepts most of jw teachings but rejects some and lives to tell about it to friends and family. That would give the impression that the average jw is allowed independent thinking. Can't have that! However, I have found that to be generally the case anyway. Privately jw's will say they may not agree with everything but would never admit that in the kh. At the doors I guess they just tow the party line and live with the guilt of their own conscience until they can't take it anymore and end up here?

  • eclipse
    An elder said to me once that the most "dangerous apostates" were the ones who were "half" apostates, I guess that means the undercover apostate.

    Hee hee Go! Apostates Go!

    He actually meant to say:

    ''They are the ones we haven't caught and stoned yet, oops, did I say stoned, I meant disfellowship''

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    'Active apostate' is a very loose phrase with a few possible meanings. It's a Watchtower favorite to thow a term out there with many possible meanings that way you have to assume it means all of them! (but your never told exactly which one).

    active apostate:

    - An individual active in the congregation who turns in time, but an apostate at heart trying to change others minds.

    - An inactive JW who is apostate, outside of the congregation, and is actively trying to change peoples minds.

    - A disfellowshipped apostate trying to change peoples minds.

  • jgnat

    A site was mentioned by name at our last one-day assembly. Bro. Shostack(sic) from Georgetown mentioned


    Might be worth checking out, eh?

    [Edited to add: Stan Szostak. Thank you, anonymous poster!]

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