sKally, "active apostate" klass
by dozy 55 Replies latest watchtower bible
sKally, "active apostate" klass
Watchtower I will haunt you from beyond the grave!
Mahamahamahahahahahahaa! I can hear them crying and whimpering from here.....Beautiful sound!
..WBT$ Infomercial:.."You may be talking to a pedophile on the internet..Or not.....Increase your chances of talking to a pedophile!Go to a Kingdom Hall!!..Pedophiles are an endangered species in the outside world!!..Not so at a Kingdom Hall!!.We do our best to protect them!..So..If you want a pedophile in your life,come to the place they walk freely..The Kingdom Hall!!..Bring the whole family!..Kids are always welcome!..We wouldn`t have pedophiles at the Kingdom Hall without them!"..........Eat that Jaracz!..And..Send me SkallyWaggers shoe size..It`s the boot mark on your ass!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Ban away, cupcakes. Children become teenagers who fight everything; they'll find a place too look up nasty apostates if they want to. Teenagers become adults who get their own place where they can download whatever they want.
Which begs the question, what is an inactive apostate? Do they fail to turn in their hours?
Forgive me, I'm late turning in my time slip.
Before I was disfellowshipped my sister said their were only two reasons for which she would never talk to me again, if I became a pedophile or and apostate.
What if you became a pedophile but were still an elder in good standing?