Does God REALLY exist? (An Attempt at an Online Bible Study)

by theMartian 121 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • theMartian

    With the Global Village now teaching Evolution as an absolute FACT, and the 'Creation Museum' making a mockery of the Bible, any Bible Study should begin with this question! However, the biggest hinderence to learning truth is clinging to concepts we've ACCEPTED as 'truth' without being willing to take a closer look at other possibilities.

    I ask that ridiculers have fun on other postings, so that it might be possible to enjoy comparing what we have learned, how we see things- and also share what we have found to be facts-truth!

    Let's see if this is POSSIBLE! (And I will not "count the time", as promised; that's unimportant to me, anyhow!)



  • AlphaOmega

    Maybe as this "study" now has a direction, it should have a begining too.

    Martian... What is your starting point for this topic?

  • needproof

    Well you tell me, does he?

  • theMartian

    Thought that would be obvious; what convinces you that God does- or does NOT- exist? Is it an Emotional Fantasy...or True?

    Agape, M

  • theMartian


    You answer a question with a question- so I'l answer your question to my question with a...yep...question!

    Why won't you answer the...



  • needproof

    I can see no way how he could exist. Too much hate and injustice in the world. If he does exist, I wouldn't serve him anyhow. For years people have prayed for his help, yet the world continues to live in pain and suffering.

  • AlphaOmega

    Thought that would be obvious; what convinces you that God does- or does NOT- exist? Is it an Emotional Fantasy...or True?

    Agape, M

    Picture the M25 in England, picture a lorry carrying bricks, a lorry carrying sand, a lorry carrying cement, another carrying windows, another carrying doors, yet another carrying carpets, one carrying computers etc etc... Now picture them all crashing at high-speed. Now picture the aftermath - not devestation as you'd expect but a perfect house, fully furnished. What are the odds without some sort of guiding force ? Now picture you standing at the crash scene, shouting out into the ether in total amazement "Why ? How ?". Now picture you hearing a voice answering you. That is pretty much it.

  • BFD

    I am still not convinced either way. Do you have proof of His existence? Can anyone prove He does not exist? Let me answer my own questions. No and no.


  • frankiespeakin


    How do you compare the belief in the bible god, to belief in other tribal dieties, what makes the bible god any more real than these?

    And what "facts"(not factoids) prove the bible god is any more real than Zues, Appollo, Mars, or any of the other now debunked gods once worshipped?

  • gumby

    This study will never end with any "proof" being why try?

    God has not spoke nor shown himself to anyone on this board so how can you ask someone to "prove" he exists? Nor can anyone "prove" he does not exist.

    Study is over..lets all stand and thank Jehovah and go to bed.


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