Why? you ask. We just do. I dont believe 95% of the crap coming out of the mouth of the Borg (and am suspicious of the other 5%).
Some are able to get out because they have no real ties to the JW Cult. Others, like myself, have family..... and were raised in the Truth Lie so our entire social network is fellow dubs. Humans do not function in a vacuum....we have to replace something with something else...even the Borg says that to New Bible Students....and its one of the 5% items that I agree with.
We dont want to hurt our family and friends so we cut back or fade or do what we can to keep the peace. Me, I went to 1 Sunday Talk last month (and left before the Craptower started). I went last Sunday to the talk and left right after (mostly to pick up my accumulating mags rags and make an occasional appearance)... I rarely make the TMS or Service Sales Meeting. I have not been to the Revulsive AntiClimax book study at all (except once when on vacation with JW mom..and dont intend to do so again.)
I made it my new years resolution not to go in ministry again in 07, and I have kept that resolution....I like the freedom of either sleeping in on Saturday morning or working and making a boat load of money knocking on peoples doors for my secular job instead of peddling CrapTowers for the Borg.
Many come here, lurk, never post, and leave. Others lurk for years, like I did before posting recently. Many stay here for the comradarie we find here because we have something in common -- the BorgTower -- but find we have so much fun and support here that we dont leave. JW War Vets Blondie and Minimus are 20,000 post + and their support (and others not in their stratosphere) help us new people either muddle through life in the Borg or fade out or just up and one day say FU** Y** to the Borg.
The mental, physical, emotional, and psychological toll taken by being a JW is not to be underestimated. The JWD board is a lifeline like no other I have found on or off the net
(Thanks Simon for keeping JWD going all these years)
SnakesInTheTower (of the Lurking Posting Sheep Class)