quick question

by Missanna 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Missanna

    lol i remember those embarressing talks that i would blush through when i use to be innocent and pure. lol but when i was even thinking about marrage i got the sex talks from everywhere. my parents, the elders, My mom was especially personal with it she actually said to me one day "he doesn't like the rough stuff does he? like handcuffs and stuff?" this is comming from the woman who hasn't had sex in about 10 years... anyway plus i was a pioneer at the time and it might have been their way of trying to get me to break up with him but i had so many pioneer "sisters" who would talk to me about the wrong things to do. lol it cracks me up now but i am just curious if anyone else had this experience?

    oh and nvrgnbk, You welcome anytime!

  • nvrgnbk

    oh and nvrgnbk, You welcome anytime!

    Be down soon Missanna. Regards to my dawg!

  • nvrgnbk
    they didn't give us advice...just a score on the night....p.s this is a score and not my wife's vital statistics Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Why those elders and elderettes look like a happy wholesome bunch, ninja. What a marvelous blessing to serve shoulder-to-shoulder with them.

  • Marcel

    im my case: no!
    i wouldnt tell them either. if they would ask and its too private for me i would just lie. they do not need to know and i know a "no, i wont say" is not acceptable for them. crazy shit.

  • Hermano

    Nope. Then again, my dad was the PO and he didn't give me the birds and the bees talk when I got to puberty either. I was however, a really good Witness who really wanted to please Jehovah. So I did some researched and found some of the watchtower articles in the 70's that talked about what you couldn't do. I especially remember the one that starts off saying that no one should intrude or judge the private life of a couple and then went on to do just that. That set of an alarm in my head. I could understand no premarital sex, but I couldn't understand why other stuff was "dirty." I remember wondering if that was still current because I could not find any recent information 1990's on the subject. That set of another alarm in my head, because I thought, is it right just because they print something more current that says that it is now OK?

  • bigdreaux

    so, honey, did you tell your loving mother i was into the rough stuff and have several pairs of handcuffs? lol my own wife, and you guys knew about this conversation before i did. lol


    I`ve never heard of elders sticking their nose in your sex life..Unless..Your marrage partner rats you out!..I`ve heard of mates going to the elders and turning thier mates in,about what they want.....Some people need a referee in bed with them and thier marrage partner.....LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Missanna

    honey, i did tell you... actually the same day she asked me. lol you have the worst memory your sooo cute.... i told her that i didn't know (tee hee) and that i didn't see anything wrong with it anyway because if God made us differently to enjoy different things sexually i don't see how something that brings you pleasure can be wrong if god made us that way. lol that was an awkward conversation.

    anyway, yes i was talked to about different things that are "wrong" lol but it might have just been a small town nosey congregation. doesn't matter anymore i guess. thanks for all you imput on the matter everyone!

  • UnConfused

    No, but I used to have a "serious" talk with newlyweds about right and wrong things to do. I'd ask it they had been giving the "marriage package" yet and when they said "no" I'd say "oh my I hope you have don't anything you shouldn't and I'd get a very serious and explain that certain things like showering together or any non-missionary position was a disqualifying offense"

    It was pretty funny ----- to me at least.

  • Missanna

    yep... i cant believe how close minded they are when they are apart of the borg. its sad but i was one of those people that thought what they were saying was wrong but i would have never said anything about it.

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