Black Soul - I hadn't thought about whether statistically JW men and women have less sex than no JWs. Having said that, is it a problem with the religion only or a problem with all religious people ..... sort of a guilt thing imposed on them.
HOW MANY JWS WOULD STAY IN THE ORG IF....................????????????
by vitty 14 Replies latest jw friends
Black Soul
Gill, I think the problem is with any demanding religion, having said that, JW take the cake. They are sex crazy. Go to any meeting and try count how many time the word "SEX" is mentioned. Admittedly in dark context. But when on daily basis they think how to answer to "sex questions" how to avoid having "sex thoughts" how to not to "have unholy (or any) sex" or how to answer to their kids on "sex questions" what do you think is constantly on their minds??? ... Exactly.
I suppose the vast majority would stay, (1) out of a vague conviction this is still "the best religion available" (in other words, because they really don't know "where else they should go") and even more (2) because of social and family ties. Otoh, their level of commitment would quickly decrease which would in turn result in many organisational reforms -- less meetings, gradual dropping of personally costly policies (blood transfusions, shunning, mandatory field service) -- until the reasons for staying and the reasons for leaving come to a state of balance.
Btw I doubt this will ever be done by explicitly postponing the "end" out of peoples' lifetime. All the apocalyptic sects which successfully turned mainstream managed to do so by simply dropping the chronological deadlines and teaching that "the end can come any time".
There are 2 important points to remember..............1 You are supposed to worship God, not because you will get anything out of it for yourself but because he is the soverign of the universe.........2 I cant remember but im sure there are 2
I think you are laboring under a faulty assumption. I am pretty sure human life opperates on quid quo pro. Something for something. People enter in a relationship with one another because they think they are going to get something for something. Thats the basis for all contracts. You worship God for everlasting life. So you wont be destroyed. Because he is the soverign of the universe you feel he has the power to destroy you or grant you life. That is why you deal with God.
If you didnt think you were going to get something from god you might as well worship your dog. Now turn your dog around and what do you have?
There you go.
I think the majority would leave. My Dad and stepmom are hardcore, they would still go even if they turned atheist, they actually love this cult, God or no God.