If You Were Granted Amnesty, Would U Go Back To Being A JW?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If a new policy arose stating that everyone could return and start afresh, would you ever think about returning----especially if you had family and friends in that would now talk to you again??

  • Junction-Guy

    they already have that option, it's called reinstatement. If someone wants to go back, Im sure the Tower would be tickled to death, but why would anyone want to go back (outside of family)

  • brinjen

    I would rather let a rat eat my eyeballs then go back to them.

  • nvrgnbk

    No. For mental health issues.

    If I go back, I will have a breakdown or kill myself.

    While on the outside, I've never felt better or enjoyed such mental clarity.

  • undercover

    When you say "returning" do you mean returning to be an active JW, going to meetings and such? Does it mean pretending to be a good little dub but all the while you still don't believe?

    J-Guy is right...it's called "reinstatement". Ask Gumby about it. He got reinstated to re-establish his family ties, but he still knows its all BS.

    I personally could not do it...but then I'm not DFd so I can't say positively. I can only venture an educated guess that I probably would not.

    But I'm still not sure what you mean by "Amnesty". Amnesty from being an "active apostate" or worse?

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    I stared at your question for five minutes trying to get my mind around it.

    Seriously, it is the most abstract question I have ever encountered.

    I am trying to be a bit more empathetic in my comments as I realize there are a lot of "lurkers," here, and I don't know how to handle it.

    OK, I'll be as kind as possible:

    Would I go back to being a poly-bag in the shape of a human filled with every form of spirtual pus, fecal matter, vomit, and slime and having it dribble down my chin every time I opened my mouth to defend WT doctrine or practice?


    Thank you for asking,


  • ilovegravy

    No way. On medical grounds I`m a diagnosed pyromaniac and have a restraining order keeping me from approaching within 200 yards of a congo. Although I could give it a go...

    Uncle Gravy

  • theinfamousone

    NO!!! not now, not never... even if they offered me millions, i wouldnt.....

    family can still talk to me.. they have chosen not to... too bad for them!

    the infamous one

  • WTWizard

    There is no way I would go back to that puke. I left because they wanted to exploit my inability to attract the opposite sex for themselves, and because I didn't want to enter a world full of nothing but men and have forever to feel like s*** on that account. And no matter what they promise, that is what still is waiting for me. There is no way I would ever go back to that. Instead I would rather go out and do fornication; but as long as Jehovah is stopping that from happening, I will do apostasy.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Nope, I've done nothing wrong!!! Just don't want to be apart of their cult.


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