Thanks JWD: I am losing money from this site

by mtsgrad 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtsgrad

    I have my own business which I run from home. Thanks to JWD I look at the site for around 2hrs a day; resulting me in losing lots of money.

    What impact has this site had on you, good, bad or plain old ugly?


  • bigdreaux

    yeah, i'm a little too addicted to it. sometimes i put my household chores of to talk to you guys. you are evil

  • jgnat

    For God's sake man, get yourself on a plan!

    Loss or gain? It's all measured on the rate of return, isn't it? What unmet need does this site fulfill?

  • MsMcDucket

    You might need a "ex-JW intervention". Perhaps, "the brothers" can come over and get you to go back to five meetings a week and out in to field service more!

  • bigdreaux

    well, we do need a complete suit of armor. we need to be upbuilt some way. can't you just spare a few hours a day for spiritual food? lol


    ..Since I`ve come on this site..I`m much taller..And..I can talk to whales and blueberrys.....On my last JWD Anniversary..Simon and Angharad got me this cool Space Ship..

  • jwfacts

    I lost my job, but regained a life.

    Not totally JWD's fault, during the time of my disfellowshipping I became so obsessed with research and was so affected by Post Traumatic Shock that I could not work properly. I ended up resigning from work and going commission only, which resulted in a large loss of income for 6 months. Back on track now though.

  • Stealth453

    It has been great for me. Wouldn't change it for all the tea in China.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Don't take personal responsibility for your decisions and actions. That would be silly.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    What is your business?


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