Well these aren't totally unique to the WT, but....
I don't believe in the Trinity
I don't believe Jesus is GOD
I don't believe in a Hell of eternal torment
Which WT doctrines or belief is correct???
by vitty 25 Replies latest jw friends
choosing life
They are all just beliefs or stories of the mind. They have relatively little to do with real life.
No trinity
No inherent immortal soul
No hellfire
Majority on earth, minority in heaven -
I would say that they are simply misleading and incomplete. Much of the information they give you to 'prove' their point of view are half truths, circular reasonings, and straw man arguments. Many different parts of a discussion that would make their position hard to defends are simply not discussed. Of course they are not the only ones that do this, but their literature is notorious for it.
I think we have to acknowledge that much of the WT belief system did not originate with them at all.
It is hard to argue with the logic above and other similar comments made in this thread. This is why I am curious about ex-Dubs that still "hang on to" and maintain some of the beliefs, even if only one or two.
A guy just killed your kids, caused your marriage to break up and your family to shun you, and because of all the lies he told you and failed promises he robbed half your life, but, you still believe there's treasure buried where he told you it was.
It just does not follow that anything they have taught can withstand serious scrutiny.
Believe what you want, but consider if the belief you carry over is worth the brain cells involved, or the divisiveness it causes!
Like the Trinity or Deity of Jesus.
All of the arguments aside, pros and cons, just do not prove beyond a shadow of a doubt one way or the other. It is a draw based on the bible, and extra biblical arguments usually cut both ways.
If you want to believe in God it is just unimportant what he is made up of or how he exists etc. I would argue that it is what he teaches or stands for that is important.
If it was important to know exactly what God is made up of, and that the bible is HIS revelation to us, then this would be undeniably and plainly stated! Would it not?
I don't know if I can illustrate any better than this. We drove home from an assembly one time with family. The program was one that highlited the bible and reading/studying it daily or whatever. ("Doers of Gods Word" or some such rubbish). I made note during the assembly of how many times daily or regular bible reading was stressed. It was a lot, I think I counted about 70 times over 3 days. Also on the same program one dipstick went on and on about who would go to see a movie about war! This movie "Space Wars" (intentional misdirection or innocent slip he meant the latest Star Wars movie) he said, "is a fantasy built around the glorification of war and is therefore unfit for Jehovah's people!"
So as my knucklehead BIL asked the family what they got out of the assembly, what do you think they fixated on? So after about a 1/2 hour the comments died down and there was a kind of silence, so I spoke up. I said, "I kinda got the message that we really need to get back to reading the bible." The silence continued thereafter until we got home.
Doctrines and tightly held personal beliefs of this nature are stifling road blocks to compassion, mercy and love. They are easy to hang onto, but are valueless and not worth it!
Doctrines and tightly held personal beliefs of this nature are stifling road blocks to compassion, mercy and love. They are easy to hang onto, but are valueless and not worth it!
Good point, Frank75.
BTW davegod, you never say the same thing twice in different settings with different applications?
Thanks, Leolaia, but I picked it up from a Catholic friend who explained why December 25 was the "birth" of Jesus. Since JWs also believe life begins at conception (ooh I said that word), she thought I would see it wasn't pagan. But then JWs teach that babies that were aborted or miscarried were not really alive so can't be resurrected to life again.
"When they open their mouth the serpent hisses." In the very first lie in the garden of Eden in the devils confabulation with Eve.Satan spoke 54 words (i counted them) ONLY 5 WORDS WERE LIES "you positively will not die" the rest were innuendo. It's about the same ratio with the Watchtower just as deadly and i'm being kind. The Watchtower publication 'Revelation Climax' book alone is 95% lies