If it is true that it has been announced that ex-JW`s are not to get the study Watchtowers, then I must put an ultimatum to my wife. I look through the WT's at the moment to gauge any radical teachings that I may need to counter with my 2 kids. If my wife rewfuses to give me the 'secret' WT's then Im afraid that it is the end of her taking them to the meetings. I just cannot be shut out from what is being fed to my children. Am I overeacting or justified?
ADVICE PLEASE. No lit for ex-JW - I have to put an ultimatum to my wife.
by jambon1 29 Replies latest jw friends
If your wife has no reason to believe you would share any secret info with the JWD, then you are overreacting.
As a parent you have every right to know what they are telling your children. I wouldn't feel comfortable with my child being taught "secret" things to keep from me. Actually I would probably feel a bit more strongly than not comfortable. But I would probably wait until I knew for sure that is what was going to happen before I got to stressed and pissed about it.
I'm sorry you are having to deal with this, there is enough pressure raising kids w/o adding stuff like this in the mix.
You have every right to know what you're children are being subjected to. If she refuses to give you the materials to be studied at religious meetings, then I would think you have the right to forbid them from attending.
If you want to make an issue out of this be prepared to retain a lawyer and be ready for court appearances.
It is an interesting situation. Very cult-like, don't you think?
If you want to make an issue out of this be prepared to retain a lawyer and be ready for court appearances.
They will wiggle out of that anyway. You can go get your wt's from the elders. Thats what they told me. But.........Im not sure if you have to attend the meetings to get them, that part they left out. What do they expect you to do......take a weekly thrip to the laundry mat for your copy?
Opinions are like, well you know.... for what it's worth, here's mine... I wouldn't let my kids go to any church where secret things are being discussed-period! Especally given the recent swept under the rug molestation problems the WT has had! Hell no! Never. I honestly can't believe my ears sometimes, these people are going down my friend, and they know it. That's why the seculsion. There's no telling what lenths these fools are willing to go to keep families indoctrinated into this cult; what lies may they spread about unbelieving partners-they'res no telling... hell no! That's just my opinion.
You have every right to know what you're children are being subjected to. If she refuses to give you the materials to be studied at religious meetings, then I would think you have the right to forbid them from attending.
If you want to make an issue out of this be prepared to retain a lawyer and be ready for court appearances.
It is an interesting situation. Very cult-like, don't you think?
I ditto everything Undercover said. If you don't want to approach this in a confrontational manner, just simply
ask for your own copy of the materials from her, explaining that you want to know what your kids are learning.
It might seem reasonable with no ultimatum, or it might escalate. She might just let you have the mags so that
you won't force them out of the hall, figuring that your efforts won't do any good. Of course, she will be wrong.
If you allow them to continue attending meetings, you will give them balanced views and teach them how to
be independent thinkers. -
Most definitely you have the right, as you're the childrens' father, to know what they are being taught. AND she should respect this as according to WT theology - YOU ARE THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE.
What is going on with all of this secretive stuff? Or is it just their game playing at work?
Juni PS How old are your children?
The moment you say "This -- or else!", you become a Satan that she can stand faithfully in opposition to. You haven't mentioned how your kids are handling your non-JW status, but you could wind up giving them a reason to be against you as well. Remember, JW's thrive on persecution and won't hesitate for a second to build an impenetrable wall around you.
While I agree in principle that you ought to have access to anything your kids are being taught, I also think making an issue of it is not in your best interests. You already know what the mags are going to say -- "We're great, the world sucks", "don't listen to apostates", "do more" -- so it's not like the Kool-Aid recipe will be revealed and you won't catch it. Besides, anything earth-shattering will be revealed here before it makes it into the Watchtower anyway.
Just my opinion, but I don't think you should present your wife with an ultimatum on this.
Wot Dave sed.
Bide yer time and pick yer battle, because once you declare war.....well, you've got a war on yer hands. Make sure it is one that you can win.