Really, What's So Wrong With The Jehovah's Witness Religion To You?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    It is a snare ( Captives of a Concept ) and a Racket ( Money, Money, Money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ )

    Blood On The Altar: Wrongful Deaths, what is the number now? Child Abuse, how many cases are there and how many unknowns?

    Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jesus SSHHH! 12 to 1.

    Define Religion, do they meet the criterion?


  • lola28

    I thought you asked this question last week.....

  • restrangled


    Was that a rhetorical question?


  • Honesty
    Really, What's So Wrong With The Jehovah's Witness Religion To You? Is it THAT bad?? Is it worse than fundamentalists of every other sort? Are JWs worse than radical Muslims?

    There is nothing wrong with the JW religion. It is not that bad. If you don't mind being lied to and deceived.

  • minimus

    Nope, I didn't ask that question last week.... I agree that most religions have weird or wrong things about them. Not just JWs. But for ME, because they claim to be the ONLY TRUE RELIGION, and proofs show this is totally untrue, I think they need to be exposed. They are bad because believing their version of truth makes you not have a present life where you can enjoy normal things like others do. And their view of blood can kill you.

  • Mum

    When I was a child (up to age 10), I lived with my grandparents. My grandfather was a country "Holiness" preacher. Both of my grandfathers were country fundamentalist preachers. I do know that my grandfather and grandmother with whom I lived were true and sincere in their beliefs. They lived them every day. They loved their family unconditionally. They worked hard. They were always ready to help someone in need (though they were the poorest of the poor in many ways). So my view of fundamentalists is probably more positive than reality warrants. I usually feel positive toward religious people, and am usually disappointed, having known my grandparents first.

    As far as Muslim fundamentalists, they have been indoctrinated with hate, and I would compare them to the "Christian" equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan or similar societies. They do not represent Islam any more than the KKK represents Christianity.

    As far as JW's, most of them have issues that make them fear "the world" so much that they are happy to live with an illusion rather than try to overcome whatever they need to overcome to have a happy and fulfilling existence. Some of the doctrines are downright bizarre, especially the blood transfusion doctrine. From the standpoint of a woman, there is plenty wrong with it. From the standpoint of a person who has had a pre-JW life, there are much better alternatives. From the standpoint of a person who has a daughter brought up in this cult, it is a destroyer of lives and families. It is the children who suffer the most. They have no choice in the matter but are asked to risk their lives anyway in case of an accident or serious illness. They feel like aliens at school. They are forced to hawk bad literature. Adults can choose.

    I made a choice to escape some time ago. My daughter and I now have a good relationship, as she wants no part of the cult. Both of us have a college degree now. We are much better off emotionally, financially, spiritually, socially, and in every other way by leaving the cult. Yes, we have our problems and fears, but we face them and work them out with mutual support and an open mind.



  • Finally-Free

    An easier question would be, "what's right about it?"


  • RubaDub

    When you boil it all down, the most serious harmful effects of this cult are:

    1. Blood transfusion doctrine

    2. Shunning

    3. Discouraging education

    Gregor, you failed to mention in your list the One Towel Rule.

    Rub a Dub

  • nvrgnbk

    It totally sucks!

  • Trippin2962

    I say

    1- the mind control [being told what to do, how to do it and when to do it and the endless list of all you cannot do]

    2- discouragement of individuality which causes depression and a crushing of the spirit

    3- the pressure to be so different from the world which causes you to feel like a social outcast and tends to make you socially retarded in regular life (mostly for those of us born and raised in it) ie. not taking part in holidays, birthday parties any and all cultural practices (4th July, Thanksgiving, Mothers Day etc).

    4 - the pressure to always have something to do for the borg (meetings, FS, study, assemblies). Being so busy with hardly no time to rest, spend time with family, relax or enjoy life

    5- No participation with charities to help people in the world right now. They look for every problem to be solved by "the new system" and have little (NO) concern for people's needs right now. They dont provide scholarship money to young people, provide no retirement plans for those that spend many years slaving for their cause. And, they disregard you at the drop of a hat (even after many years of service if you make a mistake and "sin"), by DFing your butt.

    6- Blood policy - Stupid! Enough said!

    7 - not acknowleding when they're wrong. Doctrines are changed overnight and the R&F are supposed to just accept it as "new light" without questioning (i.e. generation change, voting, blood policy-allowing fractions now)

    8 - Not worshiping God - There meetings are just like (as boring) as corporate meetings. You sit and try to stay awake. Since I've left the jws I've seen people actually worshiping God in church. They are emotional , pour out their hearts, give experiences of how God has helped them, they hug you without even knowing your name. They dance and sing loudly and joyfully. IMO that was a grander demonstration of faith and worship than I've ever seen at any KH ever!

    I could go on and on............ so many things Wrong with that religion!!!

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