Really, What's So Wrong With The Jehovah's Witness Religion To You?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    According to your data you have posted close to twenty one thousand posts which means you have read tens of thousands of experiences and comments:

    You are joking, of course.......


  • love11

    Their policy on not reporting the crime of child abuse to law enforcement without two eye witnesses.

    Whoever heard of someone abusing a child in front of two eye witnesses? That rarely happens. By the way, the bible says- give ceaser's things to ceaser and god's thing to god's.

    The law of the United States is that a child is believed when they say someone abuses them. The courts will decide if that person is guilty or innocent. This should NEVER be a decision left in the hands of inexperienced ministers who did not get a degree in criminal justice or have the authority to discipline such a crime. Yes, crime!!!!

    This policy of the Jehovah's Witnesses allows for children to be abused, plain and simple. The members of the congregtions should be enforcing that the organization change this policy; it is ungodly and torturous to children.

    I would say this policy is the lowest an organization can sink.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Since this religion like most other modern religions were started by power seeking opportunistic men with money and business desires

    It's easy to understand why whats so wrong with it and how it did cause so much personal damage to people

    Because this tower was formed on such a shaky and unstable foundation it is now starting to crumble and fall apart, people are starting to jump off before it completely falls down

    lets hope sooner than later

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They took me so far down the wrong path that I am still trying to find my way out.

    Other than that, I am sure they are just peachy.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    They give nothing of real value in return. If they took one of the meetings each week and taught everyone to be accountants, or world class musicians, or personal trainers and the JW's were world reknowned for their expertise in the given field and all the JW's could make a good living as a result of it.....then you could at least say that the rank and file benefited somehow.

    But as it currently exists ....the WTS employs slave labor, monopolizes the R&F's time and gives nothing in return. Zilch

    If all of the R&F spent the same amount of time in school, they'd all have PhD's and we'd be calling them all Doctor instead of Brother.

  • nvrgnbk

    They supress original thought and expression.

    They demonize critical thinking.

    They supplant true spirituality with their own inferior brand, Theocracy.

    They feed on fear and guilt, and perpetuate this by creating new fear and guilt at every turn.


    Is the JW Cult really that Bad??..No it`s F*cking Wonderfull!!..LOL!!.....There are so many Damaged People here,because of the WBT$.....Thats why this board exsists...OUTLAW

  • flipper

    Minimus- They say many things, and do the exact opposite. Hypocrites who bind heavy loads of crap for the rank and file members to carry, but aren't willing to shovel it off themselves. Sick puppies, them and their beliefs. Peace, Mr. Flipper

  • jaguarbass

    Anything that is a lie, is bad. Life is too short to deal with liars.

  • WTWizard

    Here is the difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and militant Islam. Jehovah's Witnesses use threats of Jehovah doing the destroying, where militant Islams do the destroying themselves. Aside that, there really is no big difference.

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