When Did You Start Feeling Uncomfortable In The “Truth?”

by The wanderer 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    When Did You Start Feeling Uncomfortable In The “Truth?”

    It started out for me by asking questions out of curiosity, which eventually led me
    out of the organization. My history as a Jehovah’s Witness could easily be summed
    up in this statement. “Brother, the elders would like to have a word with you.”

    The difficulties of being in an organization without the allowances for independent
    thinking made me feel uncomfortable to even step inside the kingdom hall.

    What About Yourself?

    Each of us has a different experience and perspective on this matter. However,

    “When did you start feeling uncomfortable in the ‘truth’?”


    The Wanderer

  • zeroday

    When my Elder cousin committed Adultry and was NOT Disfellowshipped...

  • SixofNine

    When I was four and I wondered "but where did God come from".

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    When I realized the Elders were serious about me wanting to lie as a pledge of loyalty.


  • bikerchic

    When it became clear *note I had to be hit by a two by four* that an Elders wife could get away with adultry and ruin families in her wake over and over again without punishment......well except to continue to live with the Elder and stay in the B'org, I guess that is punishment enough, maybe?

  • poppers

    From The Wanderer, "The difficulties of being in an organization without the allowances for independent thinking made me feel uncomfortable to even step inside the kingdom hall."......... I'm just wondering, did you know going in that independent thinking wouldn't be allowed? If so, what is it that allowed you to continue anyway?

  • SnakesInTheTower


    1) the whole "generation" issue. I figured before that change that if the GB did not make a change they would be caught with their pants down. Pants are around their collective ankle now.

    2) every time I started moving up the ladder I kept getting slapped around by the BOE in whichever congo I was in. I finally made it to elder and other "privileges", got yanked back off. I kept climbing back up. Guess they were jealous of the young buck and were feeling threatened. Not climbing anymore.

    3) in 2002 I observed the bad inexcusable behavior of a group of MS and elders that were supposed to be the cream of the crop....more like the bottom of the crap. No better, probably even worse than, the so-called "Worldly" people that they spoke ill of all the time. HYPOCRITES.

    4) watching the chairman of a JC continue refuse to allow a D/F person who was pleading with us to consider her for reinstatement, even though the other 2 of us were amenable to it. It was personal and a power trip. Took her nearly 18 months to get reinstated (after I had already been deleted). This one really got me.

    Observing the doctrinal shifts in the sand combined with the "Elders Gone Wild" mentality helped me to start "checking out" of the Borg.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "getting comfortable in his own skin" Sheep Class)

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    I was a nine year old pistol of a kid who liked to question things a lot even though I really believed and loved Jehovah. The CO visit was coming up and my mom took me and all of my brothers to get our hair cut. I thought to myself,..."why are we going these lengths to impress someone we don't even really know." The CO's visit came and after the meeting he was standing at the door and saying hello/goodbye to those heading out the door. I walked up to him and he said, "looks like someone needs a haircut." That's it. Nothing else. I was so pissed. The entire ride home I was absolutely livid and vented to my mom and dad all the way home. "He didn't even ask me my name or introduce himself to me." "He doesn't know me and all he is interested in is critiquing my haircut." He made me feel like I, as a young human being, wasn't worth an introduction or even a handshake. My mom finally had it with my anger and venting and basically told me there is no need to question so much. I'll never forget that Sunday.

  • anewme

    The first inklings that something was wrong came after I told the family I was not feeling well and asked to be excused from Saturday service. I was accused of "begging off". I coughed and coughed and coughed and sank drained of energy that morning. I wanted to die I felt so badly. I remember my elder husband annoyed with my coughing at the door suggested I go wait in the car. He remained at that door for another hour!
    That night I was driven to emergency for pneumonia.

    No apologies ever came forth from anyone for doubting me and putting me through that agony. I believe that was my moment when after 30 odd years in the org I realized that me as a person and my life was not that important even to my family.

    I began to review my life and how dissatisfying it all was. I had been so obedient for so long and yet felt so unloved and unappreciated and unrewarded. How did I come to this? Was I willing to spend the next 20 years of the same boring thing?

    So to my memory that was my wake up moment....coughing in extreme pain at a door in service. I should have been cared for. Instead I was beaten and whipped and forced into slavery to the borg. And if I died, I died "faithful". What a scam! Where is 99% of the JW lifestyle in the scriptures????

    The Watchtower Society has bamboozled its members to obey it as the modern day voice of God and Christ and everything coming from Brooklyn is scripture to them.

    Well I got out alive with maybe 20 years left to enjoy in freedom.

    Hope the rest of you also wake up and get out before you have 35 years of regret as I do.

  • blondie

    When an elder's wife spread a big whopper about me around the congregation and when another elder agreed she had, said her husband gave too much money to the congregation and he was such a nice guy, that they couldn't say anything to his wife.

    I picked myself up and brushed my self off only to be knocked down again.

    Till I popped and left.

    Blondie (no longer a punching bag)

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