Publisher Pioneer Elder CO JC GB and all the titles

by NotaNess 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotaNess

    did you ever feel like these all were like a military chain of command?

    And I think I'm just realizing this, but are females not allowed to give talks, or is that not correct? If not, I know in scripture (1 timothy) it talks about women not being "teachers" of men, or something similar, but when I think work, I never hear of the females having ever given talks, I always here about the guys.

    If I'm correct, as a female in the WTS, did that T you off or were you relieved of not having to deal with it anyway?

    If I'm wrong on that issue, I apologize.

  • R.F.

    I sure feel like it's a military chain of command.

    I would get tired of hearing that pubs have to be in submission to elders, elders to COs, COs to DOs, DOs to Branch Reps, Branch Reps to Governing Body. It's enough to make you sick

    That's true that women aren't allowed to give public talks or other teaching assignments to the congregation. They can give talks in the Theocratic Ministry School though.

  • blondie

    There used to be a list on the web and maybe JWD with several versions of someone's idea of the chain of command.

    Does someone have the saved?

    Blondie (can't find hers"

  • jelcat8224

    The endless titles always got on my nerves. I would hate when people would say, "oh, s/he's such a good pioneer!". I would think, "you just met this person how do you have any idea what this person is like? Just because s/he is a pioneer means NOTHING!!". Even just thinking about it now makes me angry. If a person was a pioneer or even better a BETHELITE, people just assumed that they were incredibly spiritual! What a load of crap. I had a pioneer bethelite ask me to drive two hours to meet up with him in another state halfway between us to spend the day together and to not tell anyone! That's a real good bethelite huh?? (btw, I turned him down! )

    What you said about the women is true. I have to admit though I was always rather happy to know that the pressure of 'reaching out' for more priviledges was NOT on my shoulders. I would have dreaded giving 45 min public talks or worse yet, convention discourses!! UGH!!!


  • garybuss

    In the 50's the congregations were called "companies" and congregations sharing a kingdom hall were called "units". Here, we had the east and west unit. The leader of the company was the company servant. There were no elders. We sang a song about marching Christian soldiers. We were at war with the devil (and every body else too). The end was near.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    In the early days of the WTB&TS, women were not permitted to instruct the congregation. This was in harmony with the instructions the Apostle Paul gave. Then, in the mid 1950s, "new light" revealed that >>IF<< a sister was to talk to another sister while on the platform in front of a microphone, this really wasn't a sister instructing the congregation: it was instead the congregation simply eavesdropping on a conversation between two sisters in which one of the two pretended to be a "householder" or other person not familiar with the Watchtower line.

    Those clever faithful slaves think of EVERYTHING!!

  • Frank75

    I didn't think so for a long time. I always felt the dubs were just a "classless" society. cough! snic!

    However when I was being removed as an MS once, the CO who was upset that I had sent a letter of complaint to Brooklyn's Service Desk. (bypassing the Canadian branch, they were none to pleased either)

    So I furrowed my brow in puzzlement and asked respectfully, "is there something I did wrong?" He actually said, "no comment". I looked behind me as if to look for the 60 Minutes camera crew!

    That is when he took out a piece of paper and drew a big triangle. At the top he wrote Jehovah, then Jesus, then the "Faithful slave class", GB & WTB&TS, Zone, District and CO's, Elders, MS and publishers at the bottom. He then drew a line starting from the MS's with a big exagerated curve ending back at the GB & WTB&TS! He then said, "does that seem like a theoacratic way to handle things in the congregation?" I said, "Hmmm, you may have a point there brother. So can I ask you then? Would it also be wrong to bring our concerns to Jehovah at the top?"

    You know these guys just make it up as they go along! But as far as the "pyramid" structure chain of command thing goes? That goes back to even the days of RF!

    The top flow chart appeared in a Dec 15th 1971 Watchtower. At the next meeting I brought him a photocopy of the above pyramid which shows that a line goes straight from the Ministerial Servants up to the GB. He just lowered his head and walked away.

    There was no JC formed to investigate his obvious apostate teachings! LOL

    See what all of you faders are missing out on!!


  • Forscher

    I prefer to think in terms of a hierarchy.

    Compare it to Layman, deacon, Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, and Pope. They have become what they hate! So much for progress!!


  • yaddayadda

    All those titles are almost exactly what you will find in any global corporation, except Corporations use different titles:

    Board of Directors (GB), Chief Executives (senior Watchtower personnel), SBU's (the Committees), International Managers (District Overseers), National Managers (Branch Overseers), Regional managers (Circuit Overseers), Branch Managers (Elders), Assistant Branch Managers (Ministerial Servants), Sales Reps (Pioneers), door-to-door salesman (publishers).

    The whole organizatioin is much more structured and modelled exactly per any typical worldwide sales company rather than the pattern of the first Christian congregations.

  • Frank75
    The whole organizatioin is much more structured and modelled exactly per any typical worldwide sales company rather than the pattern of the first Christian congregations.

    I remember figuring out just before we left that the JW religion had in fact been patterned after First Century Judaism and not Christianity as we were often told.


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