I didn't think so for a long time. I always felt the dubs were just a "classless" society. cough! snic!
However when I was being removed as an MS once, the CO who was upset that I had sent a letter of complaint to Brooklyn's Service Desk. (bypassing the Canadian branch, they were none to pleased either)
So I furrowed my brow in puzzlement and asked respectfully, "is there something I did wrong?" He actually said, "no comment". I looked behind me as if to look for the 60 Minutes camera crew!
That is when he took out a piece of paper and drew a big triangle. At the top he wrote Jehovah, then Jesus, then the "Faithful slave class", GB & WTB&TS, Zone, District and CO's, Elders, MS and publishers at the bottom. He then drew a line starting from the MS's with a big exagerated curve ending back at the GB & WTB&TS! He then said, "does that seem like a theoacratic way to handle things in the congregation?" I said, "Hmmm, you may have a point there brother. So can I ask you then? Would it also be wrong to bring our concerns to Jehovah at the top?"
You know these guys just make it up as they go along! But as far as the "pyramid" structure chain of command thing goes? That goes back to even the days of RF!
The top flow chart appeared in a Dec 15th 1971 Watchtower. At the next meeting I brought him a photocopy of the above pyramid which shows that a line goes straight from the Ministerial Servants up to the GB. He just lowered his head and walked away.
There was no JC formed to investigate his obvious apostate teachings! LOL
See what all of you faders are missing out on!!