Satan tries to destroy all jws.
And that`s when the "spiritual strength" of "Jehovahs people" will be tested, and the prophecy will be fulfilled: "For whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye blah blah blah"...(Zechariah 2,8, carefully ripped out of context). And then the end will come, and that is why "Jehovahs people" just loves it when it looks like they will finally be persecuted. One of the top-ranking nazis in WW2 witnessed an execution of some young Jehovahs Witnesses, and later stated that they were extatic, and stretched out their arms to welcome the rounds from the firing squad, cause they "knew they were finally going home". The Witnesses have this potential for the kind of extreme fanaticism you see in Islam and certain kinds of evangelical christianity (although non-violent, but that is just by chanse, had the leaders preached violence, they would have followed). No wonder they are still speculating about dates. I doubt the Society will ever set a specific date anymore, though. They learned their lesson.