New date for Armegeddon???

by DawnLS620 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hellrider

    Satan tries to destroy all jws.

    And that`s when the "spiritual strength" of "Jehovahs people" will be tested, and the prophecy will be fulfilled: "For whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye blah blah blah"...(Zechariah 2,8, carefully ripped out of context). And then the end will come, and that is why "Jehovahs people" just loves it when it looks like they will finally be persecuted. One of the top-ranking nazis in WW2 witnessed an execution of some young Jehovahs Witnesses, and later stated that they were extatic, and stretched out their arms to welcome the rounds from the firing squad, cause they "knew they were finally going home". The Witnesses have this potential for the kind of extreme fanaticism you see in Islam and certain kinds of evangelical christianity (although non-violent, but that is just by chanse, had the leaders preached violence, they would have followed). No wonder they are still speculating about dates. I doubt the Society will ever set a specific date anymore, though. They learned their lesson.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This is AMAZING!

    It seems - and correct me if I am wrong - but it seems that we can take ANY date - yes, ANY DATE - and add a number to it and thereby come up with a completely new prediction that is firmly based on God's Word the Bible.

    Let's see how this might work:

    Can I take 1914 and add 120 to it? Yes, I can! I get 2034, a date firmly based in Bible chronology!

    Can I take 1975 and add 33 to it? Amazingly, the answer is YES! and the new date that I get is 2008!

    Brothers and Sisters, isn't this WONDERFUL?

    Let's try again: what if I take 1975 and add 40 to it? Well Hallelujah, we can! And look at the date we get then - 2115!

    All of these dates are in the future, which means they have not yet been fulfilled. Surely this is no time for slacking off and indulging in theocratic self-abuse! We have lives to save!

  • brinjen

    October 1934? I'll be in my early sixties by then! Looks like I might be living to an old age after all!

  • serotonin_wraith

    1934? That means I could be born into paradise in 1982!

  • undercover

    The WTS won't make the mistake of predicting dates anymore. That doesn't mean that they aren't predicting the end soon however. But instead of saying 2007 or 2014 or 2034 they dangle bits of misleading information in front the rank & file. They also like to play word games, using the traveling overseers to give fire and brimstone talks on the end, designed to fire everyone up to share more in the service before the end.

    But the end never comes. After announced dates failed to bring anything, the WTS resorted to calling for Amageddon any time now. It's imminent, just around the corner. It's been around the corner for so long now, that they've been going around in circles for years.

  • Paralipomenon

    Since 1975 marked the supposed date of Adam's creation and yet Eve was the last creation. Adam had alot of time to name the animals.

    In fact if he only named one animal a day he would have named ~11,700 unique animals. I'm just curious what the animals were called before Adam gave them new names.

    Jehovah gave individual names to all the stars of the heavens, but couldn't come up with names for all the critters he created? Sounds like writer's block to me.

  • ariana

    no one knows on which day jehovah is coming nor jesus nor the angels in heaven know only the farther jehovah knows and he will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of the earth

  • Threestars

    I remember after 1975 came and went (and yes, it all happened just the way you all remember--I was there) and there had been plenty of time for Adam to "name the animals" ( I remember in my old copy of the "paradise book" Adam was sitting there stark naked with some sort of squirrel in front of him!), then my father said something like no one was really sure about how long it took Jehovah to create Eve and then it was undetermined how long it was before they had sex...

    Anyway, this gets even stranger. According to some--and I don't believe this was ever published, it just shows how the human imagination can run rampant and justify any strange belief--Adam and Eve may have lived celibate for a hundred years or so, being all child-like and not realizing just what those nether parts could be used for aside from going wee-wee. I remember in 1979 and '80, a lot of Dubs were using this theory to keep up morale in the now decimated troops. Basically the big A could come at ANY TIME NOW, since no one knew just how long it took Adam and Eve to consummate their marriage.

    As for 2034 - I won't bother holding my breath on that one!

    Ha! I'll be in my mid 60's by then so I dont think I will give shit either way.

  • DawnLS620

    <<<The Souls of the average JW who has missed college, work, children, a 'life' are broken and burdened. And if it took Noah 100 years to build that blooy Ark, then we should be dead, possibly around, maybe anytime about 2014.>>>

    I was watching something on TV the other night about the Mayan people. Didn't realize they predicted the end of the world would come on December 21, 2012. Interesting. . .early GB members???? ~grin~

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