Attacks by the Watchtower Monstor that leave people afraid

by Gill 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gill

    I was contacted a while ago by a lawyer who wanted to discuss something I posted on JWD on the blood issue.

    However, I was surprised to find how afraid this particular person was of the WT Society who had already attempted to get this person into trouble with their employer in an almost slanderous way. This non JW was more desperate to be incognito than me and obviously afraid for their job and reputation in wanting to disclose, make public the reality of the Watchtower blood ban!

    The claws of the WT reach far and they feel free to threaten with their reputation for dragging all and sundry through the courts.

    People become not only afraid for their reputation but their financial health should they have to fight the Watchtower Monster in court.

    It goes straight for the jugular, as it does with apostates, with slander and innuendo which it can get away with because ordinary people just do not have the money to fight this monster.

    Fair minded people quickly begin to wonder whether it is worth fighting the Watchtower and losing everything just to help liberate foolish people who want to believe the Watchtower pipe dream.

    I think this is why the Watchtower can only be exposed finally by the press getting involved and exposing its deception, greed and bullying tactics.

    Does anyone else know of legal and medical people who wish they had never tangled with the Watchtower Society?

  • Scully

    This was the basic reason why the original Quotes website was disbanded.

    The site owner had been out of the JWs, had moved on with his life and had no intention to throw away his life savings fighting in court against the WTS.

    I can't say that I blame him one bit for his decision. It was the most prudent course of action for him, and as it turns out, for the exJW community as well. It's going to take time for the WTS to stamp out every mirrored site that crops up with the Quotes site content on it. For each site they try to supress, there will be even more mirrored sites created to replace them.

    The information age and the Internet are what will kill the WTS. That's why they are so morbidly afraid of the Internet, it's why they warn JWs against it with such vehemence, and demonize the Internet as much as they do.

    The WTS cannot stop the news from reporting when murderers and rapists and child molesters and bank robbers are known JWs. There are news archives filled with these stories that the WTS cannot supress or defend. They cannot stop anyone from archiving these stories and making them available for the entire world to see.

    These things have been very effective in immunizing the world at large against falling for JW tactics. The WTS may be able to retain a great deal of its current membership, but they can't do anything about us putting a dent in their ability to ensnare new recruits.

  • Gill

    Scully - You are so right about the internet and freely available information. The beauty of it all is its annonymity. The quotes site reminded me of the hydra - cut off one head and another ten will appear. The Watchtower cannot hope to win in a guerilly warfare scenario that we fight them with.

    Earlier this week a suggestion was made that apostates should organize into one Organization. That is so unnecessary when we already winning!

    The end of the Watchtower cannot come soon enough, but some things are worth waiting for!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Gill,

    I won't go into the ridiculous types and antitypes, but I do sense that the once benign, loosely-gathered Bible Students turned into a "Goliath," through the corrupt offices of the Judge. So then, who is "David"? I said I wouldn't go there, but it's clear that the WT has had its day, per Scully's comments.

    When and how the killing stone is slung to "Goliath's" forehead remains to be seen. It will be seen, I have no doubt.


  • Gill

    CoCo - That's what is so fascinating about watching the Watchtower Society these days. They are very much like that huge statue of Saddam that the Iraqi people stuggled to pull down and were failing to do so until the US tank lent a hand and pulled the statue down!

    What will be the 'US tank' or the 'killer stone'?!

    Fascinating! Great times to live through in waiting for Goliath the Invincible to fall!

  • Scully
    Earlier this week a suggestion was made that apostates should organize into one Organization. That is so unnecessary when we already winning!

    Well, I must say that it is rather amusing to know that the WTS already believes that apostates have an organization. It's quite plain from the talks given at assemblies when they refer to "the apostates" as opposed to just "apostates". Give a listen to the district convention talk from a few years agoBeware the Voice of Strangers(if anyone wants an audio version, please send me a PM and I'll email it privately) they use the term as though we are a single entity with which to be reckoned rather than a network of people sharing ideas and independently taking action.

  • DannyHaszard

    "Do not discount the power of one" WARNING TO THE WATCHTOWER RELIGIOUS RACKET To the best of my knowledge there is only ONE unique Danny Daniel Haszard in cyberspace the Haszard clan is all over the world we go back to medieval old English. The point is any search pages shown here and there are TENS OF THOUSANDS are going to be 98% anti-Watchtower cult pages,as this is my (Danny Haszard) primary mission. These are links made by me in a 5 1/2 year period all pages created individually and loaded up on the net by hand. GOOGLE SHOWS 31,000 PAGES Theses results are INCOMPLETE and UNDERRATED as the indexing is slow keeping up with me I make dozens more everyday and NETWORK with other apostates ( this is the real scarypart for you Watchtower) I actually promote other colleague links like JWD, Freeminds and Silentlambs, ahead of my own home page Theses pages are on countless different servers and are cached forever as long as the Internet exist as long as civilization continues. We have IMMORTALITY yes the Watchtower lied when they promised me everlasting life,but I will get it anyway! Watchtower I will haunt you from beyond the grave! Make more new pages (like this one now) every day LOTS of em.
    I am a life long born 3rd generation JW with a typical Watchtower minimal (1975 era) education and 5 years ago didn't know how to turn the PC on.I am like a Jewish holocaust survivor turned Nazi hunter who will stop at nothing to demand justice.

    Oh,btw so far I have left GOD out of it,but what do you think he is going to do with the Watchtower?

  • DannyHaszard

    scientology sucks - Topix

    It amazings me how much scientology is like the Watchtower jehovah's Witnesses in abusive smear tactics of ex members & opposers. ... - 75k -
  • jwfacts

    One of the Australian Bethel lawyers is no longer a JW. When I was in the process of having judicial committees I called him. He was fine talking to me when I said that I needed representation. However, as soon as I told him that I was an exJW and needed information on whether there was anything legal I could do to stop being disfellowshipped he abruptly said "not interested, bye" and basically hung up. Which was a shame as I really wanted to find out what made him feel that way.

  • penny2
    One of the Australian Bethel lawyers is no longer a JW

    Wow, he'd have a story to tell. Maybe they got him to sign a conditional contract when he became a bethel lawyer. I heard that the WTS in Australia paid for bright JWs to get a law degree (don't know if that's true).

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