I was contacted a while ago by a lawyer who wanted to discuss something I posted on JWD on the blood issue.
However, I was surprised to find how afraid this particular person was of the WT Society who had already attempted to get this person into trouble with their employer in an almost slanderous way. This non JW was more desperate to be incognito than me and obviously afraid for their job and reputation in wanting to disclose, make public the reality of the Watchtower blood ban!
The claws of the WT reach far and they feel free to threaten with their reputation for dragging all and sundry through the courts.
People become not only afraid for their reputation but their financial health should they have to fight the Watchtower Monster in court.
It goes straight for the jugular, as it does with apostates, with slander and innuendo which it can get away with because ordinary people just do not have the money to fight this monster.
Fair minded people quickly begin to wonder whether it is worth fighting the Watchtower and losing everything just to help liberate foolish people who want to believe the Watchtower pipe dream.
I think this is why the Watchtower can only be exposed finally by the press getting involved and exposing its deception, greed and bullying tactics.
Does anyone else know of legal and medical people who wish they had never tangled with the Watchtower Society?