Attacks by the Watchtower Monstor that leave people afraid

by Gill 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Scully
    I heard that the WTS in Australia paid for bright JWs to get a law degree

    The WTS has financed the education of a few lawyers who are now toadies working for the WTS.

    Apparently they have to agree to work for the WTS for a certain number of years in return for their schooling.

    Kind of like selling your soul to the devil. Or the way a pimp owns his whores.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    The Watchtower Organisation IS the opposite to what it has its members believe - it is in fact a WORDLY Organisation, and operates as such.

  • DannyHaszard

    A support group for the disowned Monday Jun 4 | MacLeans ... He fell in line and married a Jehovah's Witness. He has two daughters, 6 and 16. Both his girls are Jehovah's Witnesses . Danielson is 43 now, and works at one of the big banks in downtown Toronto. He broke with the church for good two years ago. "I ... </form> Comment?at TOPIX

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey CoCo, just maybe I will be that "David".

  • DannyHaszard

    Litigious Jehovah's Witnesses like to sue too Razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing
    Dallas Morning News (subscription), TX - 15 minutes ago
    Sabrina Balentine, a Jehovah's Witness, declined to participate in birthday cheers at the Mesquite location of Razzoo's in 2006 because her faith doesn't ...

    Razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing

    09:25 AM CDT on Wednesday, June 20, 2007
    By ERIC TORBENSON / The Dallas Morning News Irving-based Razzoo's Cajun Cafe settled a religious discrimination lawsuit Tuesday for $38,750 after the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued the chain on behalf of a fired employee. Sabrina Balentine, a Jehovah's Witness, declined to participate in birthday cheers at the Mesquite location of Razzoo's in 2006 because her faith doesn't recognize birthdays. The 19-year-old said she offered to do other activities when servers sang to customers, but was fired. Razzoo's agreed to a two-year consent decree as part of the settlement and will adopt an anti-discrimination policy for religious accommodation. Razzoo's said it disagreed with the suit and said it did not fire Ms. Balentine. A spokeswoman said Ms. Balentine never told the restaurant about her concerns.

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