Apostates Why Do You Insist On Persecuting Us?
Leaflets placed under car windshield wipers, tracts and pamphlets left in rest rooms
and demonstrators disrupting, protesting and causing an atmosphere of ill will at our
assemblies and conventions. Mind your own business and leave us alone!
Do “Apostates” Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Can you recall any of these events when you were a Jehovah’s Witness? Does the
Watchtower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses have a point when it comes to the
claims that apostates persecute them?
Place yourself in the Jehovah’s Witness mind-set in answering these questions and
then from your current perspective. Apostates Why Do you Insist on Persecuting us?
Your thoughts on this subject matter.
The Wanderer