So who in your opinion is the worst-ever U.S. President and why do you say so?
Worst U.S. President and Why?
by Black Man 41 Replies latest jw friends
George Dubya Bush. I think it's pretty self-explanatory.
Bush is the out front by himself. No one even comes close.
Why the loss of millions of good paying jobs. No economic growth.
Clinton stock market dow. DOW JONES AVERAGE—3,500 to 11,720 top in 2000. All it's history to get to 3500 and Clinton zooms it.
Dow close on Clinton's swearing in (1/20/96): 3,254
Dow on Clinton's last day (1/20/01): 10,587Change: +7,333
Bush Dow close on Bush's swearing in (1/20/01): 10,587
Dow today: 13,000Bush has been hell to most peoples pocket books. Money abhors a moron.
It's difficult to accurately assess a president's role in history until at least a couple of decades have passed since his/her term of office. That being said, the current occupant of the White House is surely a candidate for the bottom position.
But having lived through the Nixon years and with a fuller understanding gained over time of his actions and that of his associates during his terms, I think that Ol' Tricky Dick was easily the worst son of a bitch -- so far. -
James Buchanan hands down. Try looking past your nose people. This is a big country with a long history. Buchanan knew the country was headed into Civil War and did nothing. At Lincolns' inagural he went up to Lincoln and said "This is a good day for me I hope it is for you" and left Washington washing his hands of the mess the country was about to enter...
Carter (yep, a fellow Skeeter). Why? His brother's beer was bad and Carter could not build confidence. Reagon, while an actor, scared the crap out of the Russians and ended the cold war. A bluff by a cowboy is better than cheap talk by a South Georgia boy.
the problem is that I don't remember enough about all the presidents to have an informed opinion. But of the modern ones - the current president and Nixon are real contenders.
But of the modern ones - the current president and Nixon are real contenders.
Try cracking open a history book you might be suprised...
gosh zeroday, I never thought of that!
*Reads the line on the camera* ''Annnnddd, the Award of the least intelligent President goes to....(((drum roll))) *Opens sealed envelope*
''GEORGE DOUBLE-U BUSH!'' !!!!Applause!!!