Worst U.S. President and Why?

by Black Man 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence


    Yes. BUSH is worst.

    Bush Scandals List: updated 12/24/07, recent changes in red . please contact us with corrections and additions. ....At this critical juncture in our history we needed an adult but got an adolescent. Instead of responsibility, we got a truant. In place of flexibility we got obduracy. In the face of great and complex challenges, we got strawmen, a black and white universe, my way or the highway, regurgitated stump speeches, and a steadfast refusal to compromise not just with opponents but with reality.....What all this comes down to is that George Bush should never have become our President. He is not just a bad President but the worst one we could have had, the worst our country has ever seen. This is a judgment that many Americans have come to but which our political establishment and media, even after 6 years, have yet to acknowledge, accept, and act on. This is the tragedy and crime of our times.

  • mkr32208

    Yawn... Why not just completely box the question in and say "who's been the worst president in the last five years..."

    Disregard for a moment the war in Iraq. Bush has not had more scandal than Clinton! I'm not saying that the man is a good president. I think if it wasn't for the current "war" then he would simple be a forgettable president. Probably a one term president as well. As for the war well the democrats were right there screaming for that too. So if Kerry had gotten in don't go second guessing history cause chances are he would have done the same damn thing...

  • Abandoned

    My opinion is that Bush is the worst. The reasons are legion, but here is the one that to me, sticks out the most:

    Even though there was legitimate concern about who truly won the 2000 election, Bush carried himself as though he had a mandate. So, instead of really listening and paying attention to what the people were saying, he went to work almost immediately on his own agenda and we, as a nation are still paying for the results.

  • sammielee24

    You can't discard the war since one can't ignore the fact that one of Bush's major faults is driving the deficit up to over a trilion dollars - and that is just one of the reasons that he is one of/ or the worst president to many people. As for the media - well, it's corporate owned and completely censored in accordance with the wishes of the president - another reason for disliking him. He dropped the country into something like 50th place in the ranks of freedom of the press - and you are only as free as your news sources. sammieswife.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Abraham Lincoln is the worst US President from 1789-2007.

    His contempt for the rights of individuals and trashing the constitution in the name of saving the Union are even worse than what George W. Bush is doing now in the name of national security.

    Abraham Lincoln killed the Democratic Republic of Jefferson and Madison laying the foundation for a tyrannical despotic American Empire.

    Woodrow Wilson, FDR and LBJ are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th worst Presidents. Those three built upon Lincoln's all powerfull central state and each increasingly destroyed more and more individual liberty and ignored private property rights.

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince


    There are many reasons, but here is one that sticks out in my mind.

    With several people with genius IQs on his cabinet, and he doesn't listen to them. That is idiotic, arrogant, inefficient, stupid -- you name it. How the hell are you going to select someone because of their demonstrated expertise in an area, and then flat-out ignore their counsel? Even if you, too, were a genius in that area, it would still be a suspect decision. But to be Bush, who is NOT close to a genius, this is lunacy.

  • 5go

    After watching the NOVA episode on Intelligent Design and seeing Bush demand it be given equal sway with evolution in science classes.

    I restate BUSH is by far the worst president ever to sit in the office. He has done the most to trash the constitution of any preceding president including Nixon, Reagan, and Bush Sr.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Chester Arthur without a doubt. He was the muttonchop king.

  • metatron

    Worst president? John F. Kennedy! Why?

    1) he was a legislative failure - The New Frontier went nowhere. It took a corrupt man like LBJ to get Civil Rights in place.

    2) he came closest to an all out nuclear war by fumbling the Cuban Missile Crisis - Soviet subs had nuclear torpedoes with LOCAL

    authority to fire. Our world barely escaped. How can you beat that?


  • Tuesday

    My personal opinion would be George W. Bush, while Clinton had alot of scandal I think alot of the Lewinski scandal had the fact it was mostly a Republican congress who used "moral" values as their platform as to why Clinton was impeached. Bush has everything bought and paid for enough that all of the stuff he is doing is labeled in the interest of "security" and whatnot. As the years go on we'll see the true damage done by this president, it's going to be immeasurable.

    If we're excluding George W., I would probably say Andrew Johnson for the bungling of the reconstruction.

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