2007 DC "Something of vital interest"

by ozziepost 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    On the Witnesses' official site is this piece about this year's District Conventions:

    The 2007 “Follow the Christ!” District Conventions begin in the U.S.
    Jehovah's Witnesses are hosting 287 conventions in 75 cities throughout the United States. The sessions promise something of vital interest to all who attend. Find the date and location of the "Follow the Christ!" convention nearest you.

    So what was the "something of vital interest"? Anyone know who's been?

  • blondie

    I didn't go, ozziepost, and even that didn't tempt me.

    Was it just me or were the ending talks more exciting in the 60's and 70's. I remember attending at least 2 different DCs some years and the material had material that was unique to each speaker, usually pre-GB status. Now it is the SOC.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Blondie:

    I know what you mean! Seems to me that the "Society™" have a legacy of continually revealing something new each year; why, that was one of "the highlights" wasn't it? (Tongue in cheek)

    That seemed to work so long as they possessed the writers/inventors who could concoct the stuff, but gradually they've been succeeded by 'company men' who have never had that experience; they have had a lifetime's experience of being receivers of whatever was churned out in the Watchtower and conventions. Now that they're in the 'hot seat' these men who lack the imagination that their forebears had are seemingly all at sea - their doctrinal changes seem to be decisions taken 'on the run' with little thought to how they 'fit' within the whole structure. e.g. this latest one about the selection of the 144,000 being a continuing process (so two classes are being gathered simultaeously??).

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Scully
    The sessions promise something of vital interest to all who attend.

    I think it may be a series of typos, ozzie. From past experience the only thing of 'vital interest' was the interest the WTS had in separating people from their money.

  • Mary
    So what was the "something of vital interest"? Anyone know who's been?

    It was the announcement that using the vending machines at the conventions is now a disfellowshipping offence.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The sessions promise something of vital interest to all who attend.

    I dunno. I suspect though that they would love to announce that all apostates could be tried and hung in the public square now. Now there's a hangin' that all the dubs would turn up for. The brotherly love would be all around.


  • SirNose586

    Yes, there was! There was an announcement made all three days of the convention:

    "When you make your donation, make it out to "Watch.....Tower." This is two words. You may now be seated."

    They said it so clearly, and three times for emphasis, it must have been of vital importance.

  • yaddayadda

    They use this expression just about every year. It is just a general expression meaning that if you attend you'll greatly benefit from what you hear. It's all vital to them. Yawn.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    they are going to announce New Light on the Hogies

  • WTWizard

    Here's what is of "vital interest" every year:

    Stay away from those damn apostate Web sites and literature. Do not listen to music (except the 225 pieces of Kingdumb S***) unless you are 100% sure it's clean (and then someone is going to take a snippet out of context and say it's dirty). No worldly associations for children, and none for grown-ups. People have pioneered with severe health and financial conditions. Any thoughts of sex are bad. You are not doing enough. Your baptism is just the beginning of a lifelong path in the Tower. Armageddon is coming within six months or less, and you need to be ready. And so on.

    This is the same s*** year after year. All they do is vary it a little bit. But something like 90% of the vital information pertains to the logistics of the assembly itself: dressing up all the time, making sure to obey all the endless rules, making sure to be there all three days and that children who are still in school should flunk their damn exams to make Friday, make sure to stay in the crap hotels and get your reservation the day the list is announced, proper behavior in the motel, and parking scams. And then you get there, only to find it to be a remix of last year's program. Besides, the essence of it will be posted on one or another apostate forum every year. And, there is no parking or logistical hassles and scams there.


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