2007 DC "Something of vital interest"

by ozziepost 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 95stormfront

    Hey....don't forget that you can only use one paper towel to dry your hands in the restroom. They actually had signs posted. I was wishing I had a camera phone. We could've had a great time with that one.

  • Scully
    they are going to announce New Light on the Hogies

    yes, I heard that too. Instead of the regular large size Jehoagies, they are 25% smaller, out of concern for the Brothers™ and Sisters™ health. We have been having too many complaints about the smaller chairs in the facilities, and this is leading to some seat-to-arse disproportion issues. Of course, just because the Jehoagies are smaller, it is not a reflection on Jehovah being Almighty.

    Although, there has been talk around Bethel that Ted Jaracz smuggles in a stash of Viagra now and again.

  • steve2
    The sessions promise something of vital interest to all who attend.

    Based on the feedback on this forum about the 2007 DC conventions, I think the above description of the sessions contains a rare typo (by Watchtower standards): What the unusually frank writers actually meant was:

    The sessions promise something of vile interest to all who attend.

  • JK666

    Scully said:

    "Although, there has been talk around Bethel that Ted Jaracz smuggles in a stash of Viagra now and again."

    He must have got a pill stuck in his throat, he is so stiff-necked!


  • greendawn

    This is obviously just a marketing ploy which is calculated to entice people to attend, there has not been much that's really new and exciting over the previous 20 years and their talks are as boring and uninspiring as ever.

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