June 12th is tomorrow, are you ready for armageddon?

by dawg 195 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse
    I agree with them because it has been shown to me from jehovah himself Ive come to learn about his personality and his great qualities and how he is earnestly waiting for us to search for him,and only those who are ready to reason would except this.

    Ariana, I used to believe all of that! Why are you preaching at me??? I ALREADY KNOW, and I've already LEARNED the truth about the Bible that you read, and the truth about the organization that you worship, (although you believe you worship god),

    and trust me, I used to believe I worshipped God too. It's a rather rude awakening to find out all I've been doing is worshipping a bunch of old men in NY, and on top of that, they are getting rich. Money and Power corrupt absolutely.

    You sound like a broken record. I am not being insulting to hurt you, do NOT take it personally. Listen to yourself for a second.

    Do you not have one thought that belongs to you?

    Think about it...................No, you don't, do you.

    I didn't either.

    I believed it all, with my whole heart, my whole mind and my whole soul.

    You are preaching to the wrong person, sister. Once I learned the truth about the ''truth'', I took back my reasoning and thinking ability..

    I hope that one day you wake up and start believing in something that has TRUE weight and value.

  • outoftheorg?

    Ariana I want to tell you something.

    I am close to being 72 years old and full of memories. I recall my mom being sure that armageddon would come in 1942. It didn't.

    From then on she feared that it was due at any day now. Since that was all she heard at the kingdom hall and in the publications.

    Then she was at last pleased to read where the wbts predicted 1975 for sure now. No doubts. People sold their homes and went to where the need was great , this has to be the real thing is what the publications were telling us.

    It didn't. She died shortly after this. A broken sad old lady.

    Then I learn that the wbts and its predecessors had also printed warnings that armageddon was due in 1914, It didn't. Then again in 1918, it didn't. Then again in 1924 it didn't.

    Don't let yourself become that broken old person like my mom. Open up your mind and ask for the help you need, to survive the disappointments coming your way, from believing the lies of a dangerous old cult.


  • ariana

    What I've learned has been from the bible, and the bible is the word of God.For everything exsisting there is a manual. Is it really so hard to believe that we the most important intelligent species on this planet came with guidence and instruction.We too have a manual the manual of life is the bible. Everything that we need to solve our problems in life are in there including happieness even when you think things are hopeless jehovah finds the way out for you so you can be able to endure it all of what i have said was from jehovah himself no of my own. For we did not create ourselves, nor do we know what will happen tomorrow,so therefore there is an intelligent spirit who has created all of what is and what we cannot see. He has the right to rule over man kind

  • eclipse

    Yeah..ok...Ariana...obviously they did a good job indoctrinating , I mean, brainwashing you.

    And we had such high hopes that most JW's were on the cusp of thinking for themselves...

    Ariana is proof that the R&F are still mindless drones working for the borg.

    By the way Ariana, You never answered my question.

    Why did you state our reward is in heaven???? Most JW's believe in an earthly hope.

  • brinjen
    We cannot say this is impossible for we did not make ourselves and we do not know what will happen tomorrow, so anything is possible thats why for me it is not so hard to believe

    Yes, I remember thinking the same way myself, so did my mum, and my grandmother.... They wasted their lives believing that anything is possible. I too, am an ex jw, I was raised as one. Many of us were, we all believed it too until circumstances led us to see the real truth. We started thinking for ourselves, something they openly admit they do not want you to do. You cannot tell any of us anything we haven't heard before, so much for new light eh?

  • ariana

    Alot of people say " they have been saying that for years and still nothing has happen" that only means we should be grateful jehovah with his merciful self is giving us time ,plenty of time so some of us can actually pay attention to him and have a chance to live forever has he origainally intented for us to live. Why would he not keep his promise? He can do what he wants, whenever he wants, he was the one who created us. Since, his dymanite quailty is love he brings himself to our level understanding our imperfection he wants all of us to be saved.

  • ariana

    I also knew that sharing what I learned would be ripe to pieces by many but for who ever wants to talk serious and maturely lets talk

  • Kudra

    This is a New Yorker woman in her thirties??

    Ariana, from the quality of your arguments you sound as if you need a highschool logic class or two...

  • eclipse
    Alot of people say " they have been saying that for years and still nothing has happen" that only means we should be grateful jehovah with his merciful self is giving us time

    Yes, that argument sounds great on paper,

    but then you think about all the new babies being born into this world EVERY SECOND,

    and how all of those babies are going to be destroyed by God because they arent baptised JW's, and their parents aren't baptised JW's.

    That means, God is going to kill MILLIONS more people than God would of had to kill if he had brought Armeggedon when God,

    (I mean the governing body)

    ''promised'' he would bring Armeggedon in 1975.

  • eclipse

    Ariana, do you believe that you are going to heaven or do you believe that you have an earthly hope? Respectfully, asking politely.

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