June 12th is tomorrow, are you ready for armageddon?

by dawg 195 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra


    There have been 100s of failed prophecies.

    Wording changed from what it says in the WT to what it says in the bound volumes.

    Remember 1995, when they CHANGED THE MEANING of one of the MAIN TEACHINGS and no one noticed?? Did you notice? The end changed from coming during the lifespan of those who were of the 1914 generation to some vague undetermined time in the future.

    They did that to cover their butts because they were heading right into ANOTHER FAILED prophecy.

    What about all the doctrinal flip flops? If a woman is guilty/not guilty of fornication if she doesn't scream when she is raped?? Did you know "Jehovah's spiritually guided organization" changed its mind a bunch of times on that one? Doesn't that make you sick?? It should.

    Just today someone posted the Awake article on birds and feathers... it contained OUTRIGHT LIES that were easily checked by looking up statements in an encyclopedia.

    There is NO divide backing to this group run by Victorian-era old men in Brooklyn.

    OPEN YOUR EYES, please. You are a young woman with her entire life ahead of yourself. You cannot waste yourself for a lie. Please.


  • brinjen
    When one man turns his life around to serve jehovah all the angels in heaven are rejoicing .They too wait for each one of us o find the truth not becoming a witnesse but actually reading the bible and finding out what jehovah wants us to know.Be rewarded in heaven also means we will be remembered by them and will be saved on the last day

    Could you please put down your watchtower index for a moment? We've heard it all before, over and over and over and over.... then some more. You cannot teach us anything we haven't been told before. We used to be just like you. Just one original thought, please..

  • ariana

    okay you've heard it before, and you respect your family, and you try not to do anything to dissapoint them,because there your parents and they brought you in this world,and in a higher respect jehovah deserves the same. We should do what he ask since we are the only ones who will benefit from it

  • ariana

    You wont learn in high school what Ive learned in reading the bible

  • neverendingjourney
    We should do what he ask since we are the only ones who will benefit from it

    I don't think you're doing what Jehovah is asking from you. You are following what a group of men in Brooklyn, New York, tell you that Jehovah is asking from you. Think about the implications of that.

  • eclipse

    I have Read the Bible already. Learned all the Governing Body indoctrination. Served God like a SLAVE for the best years of my life.

    Then I learned who I was really slaving for. Ariana, I see that you are new to this religion.

    You will not die if you learn about God on your own. If anyone tells you differently, it means they have ulterior motives.

    (If you do not understand what that means, you can look it up.)

    http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ulterior http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/motives

  • ariana

    No that is not true only those children who of at age to understand the bible are exspected to be baptised, babies are excused.

  • Kudra

    Did you go to high school, Ariana?

    Have you read the bible without the WTS telling you what they think it means?

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Dude............. armageddon happened yesterday....where were you?......That's okay..I think I can fit you in somewhere between the llamas, and the resurrection of Laurel Hardy.......that is unless ya got beers in the fridge...in which case all bets are off, and we'll postpone it till Tuesday. Yours TRULY Passive goddamn Suicide.

  • neverendingjourney

    My good friend got baptized when he was 10. Do you think a 10 year old is old enough to know what the Bible requires of him or is this the society's way of locking in members by making them accountable and punishing them when they leave. There isn't a court in the country that would try a 10 year old as an adult, but the Watchtower is okay with letting 10 year olds make a life-long vow of loyalty to their religious organization.

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