the denuded branches of the deciduous trees
against the sodden grey of a late autumn sky
could easily be confused with early spring.....
but the apparent chaos of scurried activity
across the leaf litter in the wooded acreage is more
decisively the harbinger of an approaching siege...
creatures tuned into their instincts prepare
as only survivalist can, becoming singularly focused
on securing the means to successfully overwinter in order to
fulfill their commission as progenitors of their kind
it is in this instinct driven world i venture with my canine companions,
whose daily needs propel me, not a whit unwillingly, into this ongoing
quest for preservation of the variant gene pools
mostly it is unseen, unnoticed and uneventful activity…
but every now and again, it becomes imperative to PAY ATTENTION!
that which we call home is a 5 acre parcel above and behind the
small rural town that thinks itself a city, as the welcome signs so boldly claim.
high enough on the hill to sometimes have snow when in town it only rains
we walk various routes, some being forested paths of the school district’s
environmental facility, some being fields on the other edge of town, not a quarter
mile from the shore of the world’s largest surface area fresh water lake, and some
being the recently paved roads of our neighbourhood
it is my practice to wear a bear bell in the forest… a constant indicator to all ursine
canine and the even-toed ungulates of the family cervidae that there be strangers
in their realm …. bear, foxes and deer! oh my!
I do not carry this precaution further than the head of the forest trail, feeling that any of the
aforementioned species would do well to be wary of their encroachment into the boundaries of
human habitation….
granted the lines become obscures when houses on the hill occupy area measured
in terms of acres, but one would imagine the stink our species creates, in terms of lthe olfactory
capabilities and preference of those creatures francis of assisi loved best, would signal a state of high alert
alas and alack, truth be told, I suspect they are all but ruined by an uneasy habituation
here, now is the place this meander has led….. a moment unexpected, not especially welcomed,
but chronicled here as a moment of multiple species intersection
on an early evening walk, beating the setting of the sun by a comfortable measure, less
than a quarter mile from home and hearth, amidst the cadence of dog nails rhythmically
accounting for each footfall that brought us closer to the confines of our shared domicile,
ahead by a less than reassuring distance, from the roadside brush, emerged a black, shiny
shimmery coated bear….. from that instant forward, all hell broke loose