The Natural Beauty of Your Neighborhood

by compound complex 293 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Ninj:

    Is that where your M-i-L lives?

    Gotta love those crenels and merlons!


    Cokey Crenulation


  • sass_my_frass

    We're in drought and on water restrictions of the type that you're not allowed to water gardens or wash windows or paving, so things are getting a little dusty and grubby around here. Nevertheless we've just had our summer rain and the roads have been washed down, and the grasses have come back to life for a week or two again. This is a totally different place after a little rain.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Sass:

    I was in your fair land - on the Gold Coast - about 8 years ago and I remember the rain. Must've been your winter. It was lush and juicy.

    It'll be great to see it all green again. Within a week or so of our first good rain (traditionally in October), we see green sprouting everywhere. This is the west coast of the USA.

    Thanks and stay green!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Moving ever onward in spirit, seeking the extraordinary in the quiet recesses of daily routine, I continue unabated on a path trod upon yesterday and the day before. From all the externals, this could easily be construed a stultifying existence.

    If I were to ponder overmuch who I am and what I am doing with so small and dull a life, I should easily stop dead ... paralyzed by the wonder of WHY?

    I shall cease thinking too much and begin feeling more.

    Right or wrong, better or worse ...

    Who cares?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    A warm and spring-like afternoon today. The nights are chilly, however. Tis the season, the start of another winter.

    Except for the stately evergreens, the remaining trees are nude, bare-armed against a sky of electric blue. The turkey vultures - some twenty - roost high atop a hillside digger pine, whose form, foreshortened from my post on the street below, is surrealistically gargantuan, set in sharp relief against the vast expanse of a painter's canvas.

    I stare, totally captivated, as one day is so different from the day before.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    An article in the Boston Globe, 2 January 2009, offers that the city can hurt your brain. Confusion, distractions and temptations run rife and deplete the prefontal cortices. We are relaxed and restored by Nature:

    Long before scientists warned about depleted prefrontal cortices,
    philosophers and landscape architects were warning about the effects of the
    undiluted city, and looking for ways to integrate nature into modern life.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson advised people to "adopt the pace of nature," while the
    landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted sought to create vibrant urban
    parks, such as Central Park in New York and the Emerald Necklace in Boston,
    that allowed the masses to escape the maelstrom of urban life.

    Jonah Lehrer

  • FlyingHighNow

    I wish I could tell you how pretty the view is from my back windows is. We look out through fir trees on a pond. But we can't see the size of the pond due to the trees. So, we pretend it's a lake.and that we own a cabin on it.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The make-believe of an innocent can lend much that is nurturing to a
    life otherwise burdened with the dull, the ordinary and the tragic ...

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Ok, would someone please tell me how to post pictures. I do this for my job at work and I can't do it on this site!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Cog,

    In general, you select an image online, right-click copy, go to your JWD reply window and left-click paste where you have already set your cursor. This usually works unless there is some built-in anti-copy element present on the web page. Hope my terms are correct.

    The cattle drive going on right now in my backyard is kicking up a heck of a lot of dust, but I'll be able to fertilize the vegetable garden for two years down the road.


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