Took to hospital again by ambulance home now tg

by hambeak 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • hambeak

    Had chest pain again monday the 11th thought it was a heart attack again. I told the docs the meds aren't working. Now after extensive tests, I am told I have mold spores in my lungs. Lots of meds to take 14 a day, Plavix, lasix, lisonopril. metropelol, cereg, and more I woould have to look at the list. to list them all. Glad to be home weak as a kitten but feeling better. I will be going for more tests, and have to take some samples of the mold in my bathroom which I can't seem to get rid of.

    Since I am on Plavix for a while now which is a blood thinner, the ambulance drivers were homophobes and I was bruised terribly and could have caused an internal herorrage. I was told to walk down the stairs to the ambulance and the ER was pissed about that. More later as the ER filed a complaint with the Dallas fire dept ambulance service as I should not have walked down the stairs in coronary distress with a blood pressure of 244/140

  • eclipse

    (((((hambeak)))))) I hope you are on the road to recovery...

    so many sick people or loved ones here on JWD that are sick, it breaks my heart

    Get better dammit!

  • J-ex-W

    ((((((((((((((((( hambeak )))))))))))))))))

    Glad you're well enough to be home. Hope it gets under better control real quick.

  • Scully

    OMG, hambeak. Take care of yourself please. Let the hospital deal with the complaints re the ambulance service - you just work on getting better.

    How the hell do you get mold spores on your lungs? Please get your T-cells checked, just to be on the safe side.

  • Hortensia

    wow take care of yourself!!!

  • cruzanheart

    (((((hambeak))))) You're having far too many health adventures lately! Don't give up until you have good answers for why you have mold spores on your lungs and what can be done about it.


  • misanthropic

    I hope your feeling better real soon Hambeak. Sorry the emergency techs were like that some people are real a$$holes.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    244/140 !!!!!!!!! OMG Of course you don't want the person to exert themselves at all!! Not too bright for Dallas EMT's. Get well and sassy soon.

  • flipper

    Yikes, Hambeak, you rest up and heal up - good thing they found the mold spores so it can be treated. Those ambulance guys are jerks -in no way qualified for that kind of work. Take care. flipper

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith


    Hope you get better real quick!

    Sorry you were treated so badly by the medics. Look after yourself.

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