Took to hospital again by ambulance home now tg

by hambeak 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg?

    Damn Hambeak!!!! It always seems to hit us from two directions at times. IE heart trouble, mold in the bathroom and idiots for EMT system and mold in the lungs.

    That is from four directions! Glad you are doing better.

    About the mold. Could it be from a slow leak of water?? Hot water tanks often do this to us.

    The resulting mold can even go up the wall's studs. I just had this happen in a house I own and it was a hell of a mess. The company that did the repairs had to spray chemicals to kill them and they are so strong, no one could reenter for two days.

    If you have insurance, most of them will cover water damage. Mine did and I was really glad. It cost $13000.00 to repair and the insurance co. paid the bill.

    Well hang in there kid. Best wishes to ya.


  • Stealth453

    Holy Hell man. that sucks. People can be so insensitive.

    I, for one, hope you are feeling better real soon.

  • FlyingHighNow

    When I didn't hear from you via PM, I worried something was wrong. I understand mold spores can make you very, very ill. I am relieved to hear that it wasn't your heart.

    How terrible for the EMT's to treat you as they did. I can't imagine how you must feel.

    Mold spores: I am glad to hear the doctors were at least thorough enough to look for them. Often times they blame anxiety for such pain in the chest, when it's not a heart problem.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    HOLY COW Hambeak!!

    I am so sorry to hear you have been so ill!! I have never heard of mold spores in your lungs!! How in the world do you get that?? Are you doing better now?? I sure hope so! You will be in our thoughts and prayers!! Please take care of yourself!


    Lady Liberty

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