When I was little there were several elderly ones in our hall that were of the annointed class . I was lead to believe that they sent in surveys of a sort to the society regularly. About their opinoins on theocratic matters .I was told that they ,all the annointed, contributed material to the magazines . I realize now that the writing department writes the articles , but still do they ever concur with the members around the world that say they are of the remnant ?
Did you use to believe that all the annoited ones contributed information
by troubled mind 22 Replies latest jw friends
No I always knew it was only the governing body that wrote the magazines though at the time they were annointed so I guess I figured they were representative and if it was really important god would tell them.
I certainly believed this until I got baptized, became a regular pioneer, took tours of Bethel, spoke with several Bethelites, and realized how the organization really worked. That's certainly the impression that the society gave off in their publications. They taught (and they still do, with several modifications) that the FDS was composed of all of the anointed. Jesus supposedly appointed the FDS to oversee all of his "domestics." Therefore, it stands to reason that all of the anointed, at least the men, took part in the framing of JW theology. Not so. I later came to see the GB as a sort of elder body for the FDS that oversaw the whole thing. But it didn't make sense. It still doesn't.
However, most in the congregations still held on to the belief that those that claimed to be anointed hold some sort of special insights from God, that they somehow play a leadership role. I knew of some congregations with self-professed anointed that had people come up to them and ask for their advice, even circumventing the local BOE. The society's "new light" on 1935 and the calling of the anointed shoots down any possible belief that the non-GB anointed have any special relationship with Jehovah. The article clearly states that they have no special insights of any kind, only the GB does. I think this was a move designed to consolidate power in the GB's hands. They probably heard of so-called anointed that were trying to bring attention to themselves and give their own spin on doctrine. There are expelled JWs that claim to be of the anointed that have set up websites teaching their own version of JW theology. The GB came down with an iron fist to try to put a stop to that.
choosing life
I used to believe that. When I realized it was not true, I asked my husband about it. At first, he said that they all did send in information. When he finally realized it wasn't true either, it became a forbidden subject.
I didn't. I think at the time, I understood the GBs role as part of the FDS. So I guess I kinda understood it at the same time without thinking all the annointed provided their input.
Sort of - I used to think of them as an 'extended family' of the GB - maybe giving input where and when required. But then, I was only a child. I stopped believing crap when my brain developed.
No, I asked who wrote the material while I was studying, and was told that the writing committee did it
During my early years a middle aged sis used to take the emblems and that prompted me to ask one of the elders but I was told just because a person claims and is counted as being anointed does not mean that they are of the anointed and that no - anointed ones scattered about are not asked to contribute information.
faithful not discreet
I used to write, and can assure you ALL topics are writing comm decided and distributed to writers through branch network. The completed articles are returned to be edited and published. The ones I submitted were not heavily edited and were published.I was not of the annointed.I am not aware of any writers who claim tobe of the annointed. Although there could be some,all if not most articles are written by ordinary people with all the issues the rest of us have. The one amazing thing is they will write according to WT policy and completely overide their own feelings/thoughts and at times disagree with what they have written.
WELCOME Faithful - cor, glad you've finally posted (you've been here a while, lol). Sounds like you may prove to be FUN