what was the strangest/worst counsel you recieved from elders ?

by flipper 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    That preteen boys should not be allowed to sleep over at each other's house because it might lead them to homosexual acts.

    Yes, a wonderful spiritual shepherd at the KHall said, "Little girls sleepovers are lesbian training grounds."

    What a moron......

  • tan

    My sister was told that she was not allowed to dye her hair blonde because it would stumble others...she is a woman of color...how many other sisters dyed their hair on a regular basis?

  • ninja

    hey FF...I would have worked round the doors with you mate...even though you had bad breath and a moustache and unkempt nails.......hey hold on....on second thoughts...I wouldn't.....you part your hair in the middle....that is the unforgivable sin..........muhahahahaha.......your unsociable mate .....da ninja

  • tan

    That nothing could be done when my step father was molesting my sister and I because there weren't two eye witnesses...perverts!!!!

  • Gill

    ((((((( tan and sister )))))))

    They are such bastards those damned 'stars of the congregation!!!

  • Finally-Free

    Hey ninja, we could keep some whiskey in my service bag and drink it while pretending to look up scriptures. A reference bible is good to hide the bottle while taking a swig.

    can you tell I've done it before?


  • ninja

    I've got the same bible FF...weird eh?......hic ....burp

  • eclipse

    FF & Ninja - You guys a riot!

  • garybuss

    The list of bad advise is too long. The worst was whatever they were telling me at the time.

    The best advise I got at the Kingdom Hall was from a sign above the door right inside the building. EXIT
    That proved very good advise. The sign was there all along. I guess before I really noticed it was advise, it was a prophecy huh?

  • rwagoner

    When I first started gtting doubts and was researching in my Bible for answers I was told, like many others, not to read my bible because it would just confuse me. Only the org could understand the Bibles REAL meaning.

    After receiving my DA letter...they came to my house and told me that I should return to the org...NOT because I believed the teachings but because it would be so hard on my family if I left.

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